It’s time to get Northern Ireland moving again – DUP leader, Arlene Foster MLA.
Church leaders join forces in a bid to halt "barbaric abortion legislation”.
“Citizens deserve the fullest participation in the democratic debate about the legislation which governs it.”
Catholic peer Baroness Nuala O’Loan tells conference ‘Women and the Catholic Church’ there is “change afoot” in the Church in relation to women.
Schools that try to be “all things to all citizens” may end up with a “compromised ethos” warns Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
"The vote said 'You have been doing it wrong for so many years and now change your ways'. Somehow in our priorities as politicians we have failed the people," says UK peer.
In the current climate of mistrust, Focolare's message of dialogue and unity has a vital role to play in forging "bonds of understanding" between people says Focolare Co-director.
“Journalists on occasion have abandoned the careful, nuanced use of language in favour of wild sweeping assertions which ... encourage virulent anti-Catholicism.”
Catholic family support groups in dioceses and parishes might not only assist with marriage preparation, but also with supporting couples immediately following marriage.
“I think it is profoundly unfortunate that the voice of the bishops is not heard in this book and I know that voice was sought" - Baroness Nuala O'Loan.
Irish peer urges Church to ordain women as deacons.