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House of Commons affirms extreme abortion law regulations for Northern Ireland

While this result is disappointing, the fact that well over 200 public representatives in the House of Commons and House of Lords voted against the regulations is encouraging – Pro Life Campaign.


The Miscarriage Association of Ireland hosts annual service of remembrance

“This little life had a meaning and it is necessary for us to give attention to this existence” – MAI website.


Caution needed over anti-abortion protests, Archbishop warns

“I would be particularly cautious about protesting against GPs because everybody is going there, and people go there for all sorts of reasons.”


Baby shoes at Youghal Mass make small steps towards healing

“There is a lot of hurt surrounding these issues and there will be for decades, but the hurt will never go away if we don’t acknowledge it and try to find a way of healing,”


Act in the best interest of the unborn child, says Bishop Brennan to voters in Ferns

“We are always human. At no point are we ever something less or something different. What is inherently a right to humanity – namely the right to life – cannot be either denied or taken away.”

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