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Article 40.3.3

“Sad day for human rights” as Eighth Amendment deleted

“In accordance with Article 46 of the Constitution, President Higgins today signed the Thirty-Sixth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2018, and it has accordingly become law.”


Act in the best interest of the unborn child, says Bishop Brennan to voters in Ferns

“We are always human. At no point are we ever something less or something different. What is inherently a right to humanity – namely the right to life – cannot be either denied or taken away.”


Taking away right to life from the unborn is a “shocking” step – bishops

Repealing Article 40.3.3 will leave unborn children “at the mercy of whatever permissive abortion laws might be introduced in Ireland in the future”.


Church leaders oppose unrestricted access to abortion

Repealing the eighth amendment and introducing a liberal abortion regime will result in terminations not just up to 12 weeks but in some cases right up to the point of birth - Bishop Leahy.


Pro life dismay at Cabinet backing for repeal of Eighth Amendment

“In the coming weeks, it will become clear that the government’s proposal would lead to abortion on demand if voted for in the referendum” – Dr Ruth Cullen.


Psychiatrist withdraws from presentation to Oireachtas Committee on abortion

"It has become increasingly clear that the process of the Committee has been so arranged as to reach a pre-set decision without balanced consideration of any evidence that runs contrary to this pre-determined outcome” - Patricia Casey.


The truly compassionate choice is never easy, bishops tell Citizens’ Assembly

It is strange that in a culture that values individual rights, the most fundamental personal right of all – the right to life – is increasingly being questioned and denied.


Two lives, one love: bishops speak for Eighth Amendment

There is no such thing as a human life without value. The deletion or amendment of Article 40.3.3, would serve no purpose other than to withdraw the right to life from some categories of unborn children.


Ray D’Arcy Show failed to uphold fairness

BAI finding: RTE interview with Colm O’Gorman of Amnesty Ireland articulated a "partisan position" on the issue of abortion.


PLC welcomes defeat of Coppinger abortion bill

Attempt to force repeal of “the last remaining constitutional protection for the unborn" defeated by 74 to 23 in Dáil.

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