As the island battles this pandemic, standing alongside other denominations and Christian organisations, we are today issuing a call to pray — Ireland's church leaders.
Pope Francis’ blessing will be an opportunity to avail ourselves of Divine Grace. I encourage everyone to watch this special broadcast – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
“Social distancing cannot be allowed to create social isolation and, through prayer, as Pope Francis said on Sunday, we can overcome,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
“I may be looking out at empty pews, but in my mind’s eye and with the eyes of my heart, I can see you in your living rooms, in nursing homes, hospital wards or perhaps driving in your cars, all linked spiritually in the ‘family of families’ that is the Church,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
The Covid19 crisis, Archbishop Eamon Martin has said, is “a time for an outpouring of the works of mercy towards the sick and vulnerable, and for a spirit of generosity and self-sacrifice, compassion and charity in Ireland, and across the world”.
Archbishop Eamon Martin supports Bishop Phonsie Cullinan’s initiative which aims to encourage people to care for one other "at this difficult time.”
"It is important to give very strong consideration to the closure of all schools in the very near future. We need to fight this virus together," said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Catholic Church leaders welcome the House of Bishops' selection of the Bishop of Clogher as Archbishop Richard Clarke's successor.
"People regularly make vocational inquiries to our office and we look forward with hope to the future of the diocesan priesthood in Ireland” - Fr Willie Purcell.
Speaking about the annual Day of Prayer for Survivors and Victims of Abuse, Archbishop Eamon Martin said he believed reparation and repentance need to be part of the ongoing life and prayer of the Church.
The objective of our Lenten digital initiative is to assist our spiritual preparation for the joy and hope of the Easter season – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
“We live an era of astonishing progress in medical science” and have among us “doctors, nurses and carers of extraordinary quality and dedication” yet “so many aspects of our healthcare system are scandalous”.
As a a representative of the inter–church structures in the public square, “he set a tone for reasoned debate and honest engagement that reflected the Christian call to be good neighbours".
"The health system must put patients’ needs first, reducing waiting time for treatment and ending the indignity of an ill person being left on a trolley for long periods."
Everything worthwhile and lasting in the life of the Church, and in life in general, begins with reflection, prayer and the invocation of the Holy Spirit – Bishop Michael Router.
Mourners attending the funeral Mass at the Church of St James of Jerusalem in Co Armagh of NI's former Deputy First Minister and the former deputy leader of the SDLP were told he was “a man of deep faith”.
A “gifted communicator”, the new bishop has served as Diocesan Youth Director and Director of Vocations and has hosted a successful religious affairs programme on KFM Radio and written a regular column in the Leinster Leader.
“A person of global stature" who gave his gifts unselfishly and tirelessly to serve the betterment of the whole community on this island, north and south: Archbishop Eamon Martin.
In their World Day of Peace homilies, the Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin focus on racism, fear of the immigrant, ecological conversion, the Rosary and Brexit.
“I can’t understand why people would choose to attack Greta Thunberg. She is passionate about what she believes; she is only a young girl and she is speaking prophetically to the world and what do we do – we attack her. We attack her message."
Archbishop Eamon Martin urges people and parties of different political perspectives “to progress peace", tackle poverty and homelessness, tackle the pressure on hospitals and schools, and "to promote a culture of life.”
"I thank him for his outstanding service to date in our Diocese and know that you will all join with me in wishing him every blessing in his new role" – Bishop Duffy.
"We encourage all Catholics to make time during the season of Advent to celebrate and receive the gift of God’s love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation” – Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference.
"Voters have a duty to inform themselves on the position of election candidates in respect of their willingness to support and cherish equally the lives of mothers and their unborn children" – bishops in Northern Ireland.
Eighty percent of all acts of religious persecution around the world today are being committed against Christians – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
“Our brothers and sisters in Nigeria have been facing an ongoing onslaught from extremists wanting to eradicate the Christian Faith.”
Bishop Michael Router launched ‘Week of Witness’ in St Patrick's Cathedral Armagh on Sunday and invited Christians to stand in solidarity with the "heroic example of our persecuted brothers and sisters in faith across the world".
"Maynooth’s potential for encounter and exchange is unique: three partner institutions, side by side on this historic campus, perfectly situated in one of most attractive towns in this country - the possibilities for study, research, community building and dialogue are endless."
Archbishop Eamon Martin described Gay Byrne as a gifted and groundbreaking broadcaster who will be remembered and quoted for generations.
Archbishop Richard Clarke, who is 70, will continue to carry out all duties and responsibilities until 2nd February 2020. After that date, the Church of Ireland House of Bishops will consider the selection of a successor.