ACP founder responds to Archbishop's criticism over the lack of catholic intellectuals by warning "there’s little if any acceptance in the leadership of our Church for the free flow of ideas".
At a Mass to celebrate the visit of the relics of St Anthony, Archbishop Martin criticised “unscrupulous people” who feel that “their financial supremacy can authorise them to take life through violence and exploitation”.
Archbishop of Dublin affirms vocation of deacon as complementary to other ministries and "a witness to the Christ who came 'not to be served but to serve'."
First ever meeting of permanent deacons, candidates for the permanent diaconate and their wives from all around Ireland.
9th World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin from 22 to 26 August 2018 with the theme ‘The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World’.
At the annual Festival of Peoples celebration, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin stresses that those who contribute to the common good in Irish society have rights.
It began in 2014 as an effort to tap into the ecumenical collaboration of IEC2012. The different traditions would read, pray and celebrate the Bible together over one week.
“Pope Francis doesn't set out to change the teaching of Jesus or say that in life’s choices anything goes; yet he constantly reaches out to those who find that teaching hard.”
Catholic and Church of Ireland archbishops join Jesuits in welcoming the news that the Irish priest, who was baptised an Anglican, is to be beatified.
Archbishop Martin calls for a “coalition of strong people” who “oppose violence on our streets” to challenge “despicable and evil” acts of violence.
We must never betray the ideals which inspired those who took part in the Rising or let them be watered down through cynicism or mediocrity: Archbishop.
Arbour Hill Cemetery is the resting place for fourteen of the executed leaders of the Rising including Pádraig Pearse, James Connolly and Major John McBride.
"Can we hope that Martin’s tragic death may help bring some societal and political response to counter the type of violence which took Martin’s life?"
At least 7,000 people took to the streets of Brussels on Sunday in a march “against terror and hate”.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin launches '1916: The Church and the Rising' at the Capuchin Sacred Heart Hall in Dublin.
"We live in a world where the name of God is used to foster attitudes and deeds which could not be farther away from the real identity of God.”
"We live in a world which is often harsh and violent. We have witnessed horrific, hate-filled violence and retaliation on our streets again," Archbishop of Dublin.
The Church will not be reformed by the cries from outside of those who do not believe: Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin.
St Patrick speaks of the importance of God and the Trinity; the triumph of good over evil; and autobiography as a vehicle of spiritual and personal expression.
"People of belief and people with a secular inspiration must learn again to how speak with one another constructively and respect one another."
Archbishops Jackson and Martin to visit the new DIT Campus in Grangegorman for a religious service and the blessing of the shamrock.
Bishops begin preparations for the 9th World Meeting of Families which will take place primarily in Dublin but also throughout Ireland.
Dublin priest will serve as Adjunct Secretary for the Pontifical Council of Culture.
CofI Primate appeals to people to do more to respond to the “plight and devastation of those who carry the cross of suffering in the Middle East."
Hierarchy focus on five key election issues: housing crisis, education, crime, healthcare, right to life and refugee crisis.
“Premediated shooting in public places even in the presence of terrified children and innocent bystanders only degrades the humanity of those who do it.”
Archbishop of Dublin highlights people’s anxiety over what might happen to them or their children or an elderly relative if they are hit by serious illness.
Falling enrolments linked to spiralling accommodation costs in the private rental sector.
Jubilee pilgrimage will begin in Limerick on the evening of 4 April 2016 and the icon will then travel to every cathedral in the Irish Church's 26 dioceses.
Church in Ireland and farther afield contributed greatly to the level of taboo which surrounded suicide, acknowledges Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.