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Pro-Life Campaign marks first anniversary of the end of the Eighth Amendment

“The Pro-Life Movement approaches the first anniversary of the referendum with both profound sadness and renewed determination.”


Pray for Life on first anniversary of abortion referendum ask bishops

We encourage all Catholics – irrespective of how they voted – to devote some time today and over this weekend to prayerful reflection about what has happened in our society, especially in the past year, says Council for Life.


Republicans and trade unionists call for No at GPO

“The Taoiseach want us GPs to become abortionists. Abortion is not healthcare,” says Dr Judy Ceannt, grand-niece of 1916 Proclamation signatory Éamonn Ceannt.


Eighth Amendment is a beacon of hope thirty-four years on

“When you meet a son or daughter who was nearly aborted, you’re not meeting a ‘choice’. You’re meeting a child with the same potential and right to be alive as you or me,” says Cora Sherlock from the Pro Life Campaign.


Retrouvaille marks 20 years of revitalising marriages

Programme has saved hundreds of marriages in Ireland over two decades and there is a determination to grow the supports for marriage and family life.

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