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Don’t let season of Lent pass in vain says Pope

Leave behind your selfishness and share your goods, appeals pontiff, by living three pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.


Pope Francis urges fasting, prayer and almsgiving in Lenten reflection

In a strong message on care for creation, Pontiff warns that “Sin leads man to consider himself the god of creation, to see himself as its absolute master and to use it, not for the purpose willed by the Creator but for his own interests.”


Pope blasts ‘charlatans’ who offer easy but useless solutions to suffering

The ‘24 Hours for the Lord’ initiative is a moment of grace which invites the entire Church community to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation in the context of Eucharistic adoration.


Refuse to settle for mediocrity Pope urges in Lenten message

“For those corrupted by love of riches, nothing exists beyond their own ego. Those around them do not come into their line of sight.”

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