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Christmas parcels go to 19,000 children in Syria this year

For the eighth year running, ACN is providing Christmas parcels for displaced children, including warm clothes, shoes, toys, devotional items and other essentials.


“No words” to describe latest attacks in Syria

“My two hands are not enough to cover my two children and protect them from the insane bombing around us.”


GAA star Joe Canning to visit Aleppo with UNICEF

“When I was there last year I met this family where the nine-year-old son, who has four sisters and a mother, is the man of the house because the husband got killed in the war.”


Dublin faith leaders stand “shoulder to shoulder” following Berlin attack

Lord Mayor of Dublin launches Interfaith Charter dealing with issues such as religious freedom, inter-faith dialogue and the promotion of religious diversity.


Government urged to play role in finding peace for Syria

Syrian peace delegation visits Ireland as UN says it is “extremely concerned” about the estimated 275,000 civilians trapped in “horrific conditions” in Aleppo.


Syrian religious leaders visit Ireland to appeal for help to end war

Two Syrian surgeons will explain how Irish and EU sanctions have caused Syria’s hospitals to degenerate to a pitiable state where scores of women and children die every day due to the lack of commonplace medicines.


Irish faithful invited to join Pope Francis in praying for Syria

“I encourage the faithful to share the ideals of the Caritas International #PeacePossible4Syria campaign and to pray for peace in the Middle East, especially in Syria and the city of Aleppo” – Bishop Crean.


Pope expresses his “deep sorrow” for “battered” Aleppo

Papal appeal for peace in Syria as military announces “concentrated air strikes” in Aleppo and nearby areas, targeting insurgent-held areas in the surrounding countryside.


Catholic peace groups urged to support Aleppo bombing protest

“We cannot sit on the fence any more on this issue – we must stand up to this indiscriminate killing of people whether it is Russia or America that is responsible.”


Thousands reliant on the Church for food in Aleppo

In many cases people are relying on charity for their food, and the Church has stepped in to help feed those left in Aleppo - regardless of their religion.


CAFOD urges ceasefire to ease desperate situation in Syria

“Humanitarian access to vulnerable people is absolutely vital, there must be safe, unrestricted passage of aid to all parts of Syria.”


Pope Francis renews appeal for peace in Syria

Carmelite Sisters remain on in Aleppo to help families facing daily bombardment even though their convent is at the centre of ongoing conflict.


Hospitals in Syrian city of Aleppo targeted

Catholic bishops of Aleppo appeal to those responsible to stop for the “love of God” and “the cry of blood of children and martyrs”.


Trevi Fountain to turn red for persecuted Christians

Chaldean Catholic Bishop Antoine Audo of the Syrian city of Aleppo to speak at one of Rome's most famed tourist attractions about the plight of Christians.


Focolare in Syria: our only need is to live in peace

Christians pray that God stirs the "consciences of the leaders of powerful nations to work for the peace Syrians long for".


Pope and Patriarch hold historic meeting in Cuba

Joint declaration pleads on behalf of world's persecuted Christians especially in the Middle East where families, villages and cities are being exterminated.


Franciscan priest abducted in Syria freed

“The Custody [of the Holy Land] does not forget that other religious are still missing in Syria and invites everyone to continue praying for peace.”


Cork parish reaches out to war-torn Syrian city

“The bombings are not coming to an end, on the contrary, they are increasing significantly both during the day and at night” - Fr Ibrahim in Aleppo.


Syrian Archbishop recounts desperate suffering

“At this very moment, bombs are raining down on the residential neighbourhoods of the city. There may be as many as 60 dead and 300 wounded."


Do not abandon the victims of this crisis: Pope

On Syria and Iraq Pontiff appeals, “We need to find a solution, which is never a violent one, because violence only creates new wounds”.


IS destroys 5th century catholic monastery in Syria

Militants send message of “violence and intolerance” by destroying symbol of Christianity and encouraging Syria's Christians to flee their homeland: Bishop Audo.


Fears for Franciscan priest taken in Syria

Franciscan Order lost contact with Fr Dhiya Aziz, parish priest at Yacoubieh, during the afternoon of 4 July and they believe he was taken by militants.


Syrian bishop appeals to US over aid to extremists

The conflict in Syria could come to an end much more quickly if the US would pressure its allies to stop aiding extremist groups: Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart of Aleppo.


Hopes fading for kidnapped Syrian prelates

Hope of their release remains, although the passing of every week and month “makes this more difficult” Nuncio in Syria states.


Caritas worker killed in Syrian city of Aleppo

“Aleppo has been cut off for 16 days, with no telecommunications, Internet or electricity... with mortar shells hitting the city every day.”


Call for diplomatic efforts on Syria to be redoubled

Some 11.4 million people forced from their homes by the conflict which has resulted in more than 220,000 deaths.


Bishops express solidarity with suffering Syrians

Since 15 March 2011, 210,000 people have been killed in the war in Syria, one million injured, and more than 4 million people have fled the country.


Darkness in Syria reflects ravages of war

83% of lights in Syria extinguished since 2011 in "worst humanitarian crisis the world has seen in a generation" according to Trócaire.


Bishops regret suspension of UN food scheme

Chair of Trócaire, Bishop William Crean, expresses “grave concern” for the 1.7 million Syrian refugees dependent on World Food Programme voucher scheme.


Govt urged to send diplomatic mission to Syria

President of Caritas Syria, Bishop Antoine Audo SJ, describes conditions in Aleppo, ravaged by four years of conflict.

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