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Europe is a continent in crisis warns Pope Francis

“These walls are made of fear and aggression, a failure to understand people of different backgrounds or faith. They are walls of political and economic selfishness, without respect for the life and dignity of every person.”


Bishop appeals to motorists to ‘drive safely’

53 deaths on roads in the Republic and another 18 in Northern Ireland so far this year.


Irish Church must become passionate again

"We live in a world which is often harsh and violent. We have witnessed horrific, hate-filled violence and retaliation on our streets again," Archbishop of Dublin.


Bishop asks for prayers for victims of French crash

Bishop Liam MacDaid of Clogher and Archbishop Eamon Martin pray for 43 dead in French crash as appeals made for safe driving in Ireland this weekend.


Cosmetic surgery is an aggression against women

Paper prepared for Pontifical Council for Culture’s plenary assembly on women warns plastic surgery can “amputate the expressive possibilities of the human face".

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