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Can we please focus on perinatal hospice care?

When your child may not live long, time is all-important. Hospice care gives you time: Every Life Counts.


Ministers never met parents given poor pre-natal prognoses

As Wallace Bill is voted down, One Day More criticise Alliance Ministers John Halligan and Shane Ross for having spent the week talking about their children but never bothering to meet them.


Attempt to remove legal protection from ‘very sick babies’ disturbing: PLC

Whip will not be applied to non Fine Gael deputies in upcoming vote on amendment to the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, allowing abortion in the case of so-called 'fatal foetal abnormalities'.


Personhood begins at conception affirms Rally for Life

One Day More says politicians pushing to extend abortion law do not represent them. "Many of our members say that they received little or no support when they were given their diagnosis."


The Church is a protector and guarantor of true pluralism

“In our age of flattened earth, narrowed horizons, conformity to a shallow consumerism and superficial variety that masks a deeper conformity, the role of the Church is to be the Church."


Dáil to consider proposals for Citizens’ Assembly

Citizens' Assembly on abortion is a pretence says Senator Ronan Mullen. "Oireachtas Éireann should be the only legitimate Citizens' Assembly."


Every Life Counts questions UN committee abortion ruling

"It is appalling to see the UN Committee on Human Rights pressing for abortion on disability grounds. Surely very sick babies deserve special protection not abortion" - Tracy Harkin.


Huge rally endorses value of Eighth Amendment

"Women are being betrayed every day by the abortion lobby when they say there are no consequences to abortion and their babies are a 'clump of cells'”- Limerick student who faced crisis pregnancy.


Celebrate 8th Amendment as ‘human rights beacon’

"Eighth Amendment protects the human rights of every human being in this country and we need to stand up and remind ourselves of that" - Cora Sherlock, Pro Life Campaign.   


Bishop of Elphin critical of beliefs around Limbo

“Looking back on it now, such an idea doesn’t take into account the mercy of God who created these children in his own image.”


Drop in number of Irish women in UK for abortions

In 2015, 3,451 women travelled from Ireland to England and Wales for an abortion, down from 2001 when the number of Irish abortions was at 6,673.


NI Assembly election results endorse pro life ethos

Fifty nine of newly elected MLAs in Northern Ireland Assembly have vowed to vote against abortion.


PLC hits back at criticism of Ireland’s abortion law

Over a ten year period from 2000, 491 babies who survived botched abortions in Canada were abandoned by medical staff and left to die alone.


Sabina Higgins criticised over abortion comments

EveryLifeCounts responds to President's wife saying it is sad to see her “push abortion for babies like ours because of their severe disability”.


PLC angered by Citizens’ Assembly on abortion proposal

Citizens’ Assembly proposal has always been about paving the way for removing the only remaining legal protection for the unborn child.


Abortion shouldn’t be in programme for govt: PLC

Fine Gael proposal to hold citizen's assembly on abortion would be the "first step on a pre-arranged course again".


The Joy of Love: less judgement & better pastoral care

“Longer life spans now mean that close and exclusive relationships must last for four, five or even six decades; consequently, the initial decision has to be frequently renewed”.


Precious Life seeks review of NI abortion sentence

"By passing such a lenient sentence we believe the judge undermined the seriousness of the crime of killing an unborn child."


Actor Jeremy Irons backs Church on abortion

“In a way, thank God the Catholic church does say we won’t allow it, because otherwise nobody’s saying that it’s a sin.”


‘Stop eugenic discrimination of Down’s babies’

Precious Life appeals to public to support online petition to halt systematic prenatal screening programmes targeting Down's syndrome and which encourage abortion.


NWCI focus should be homeless pregnant women

“It is an outrage that National Women’s Council has no track record in fighting for safe and secure accommodation for homeless expectant mothers”- PLC.


Election 2016 results positive from pro life stance

Findings of Amnesty International/Red C poll on abortion "are more ambivalent and uncertain" than presented: PLC.


Consider what a vote for Labour means: PLC

Cross denominational group says it wants to see "stability in our country and a return to the Judeo/Christian values that have underpinned all of Europe in the past."


‘There is no such thing as a life without value’

"For as long as they live, children with life-limiting conditions are entitled to be loved and cared for like any other child” - Bishop Kevin Doran.


Abortion is a major election issue

It is "very difficult to see how any Catholic could, in good conscience, vote for a candidate or a political party whose policy it is to legalise abortion" - Bishop Doran.


Pope hints at contraception leeway over Zika crisis

Pontiff warns that abortion is an absolute evil but avoiding pregnancy isn't in particularly difficult circumstances such as Paul VI's authorisation to nuns threatened with rape.


Irish society must be ‘people-centered’: Archbishop

If an unborn child has a life-limiting condition, it would be “inhumane to withdraw the protection of the Constitution to their right to life”.


Abortion is not just an issue in Ireland: Bishop

Challenges for next government include the inadequacy of some services in hospitals & disability facilities, reduced pay, child poverty, homelessness & crime levels.


‘There is no moral justification for a lack of housing’

Many vulnerable sectors of Irish society have been let down, Bishop Buckley warns & urges voters to quiz election candidates on 8th Amendment.


Relief and joy as abortion proposal defeated in NI

Attempt to extend abortion law to allow for abortion in the cases of life limiting illnesses and in pregnancies resulting from rape or incest defeated in Stormont Assembly.

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