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Ireland and the world need miracles of mercy

Help me, O Lord, that my ears may be merciful, so that I may give heed to my neighbours’ needs and not be indifferent to their pains and moanings.


Constitutional protection of unborn life to be eroded

Today, Sunday 23 April, the Citizens’ Assembly will be asked to provide guidance to the Oireachtas on the circumstances in which, if any, they believe abortion should be lawful.


Archbishop of Armagh gives keynote speech at inaugural Iona Institute Northern Ireland conference

Our faith has a lot to say about the nihilism and despair of a throwaway culture that has driven young people to self-destruction. Our Church’s teachings would seriously question such a limited view of individual rights that would dispute the equality of life of a mother and her unborn baby.


The truly compassionate choice is never easy, bishops tell Citizens’ Assembly

It is strange that in a culture that values individual rights, the most fundamental personal right of all – the right to life – is increasingly being questioned and denied.


No matter what the circumstances, all life is precious

“I am not a ‘rapist’s child’. I am a human being” – Rebecca Kiessling.


Primate “nervous” of any reconstruction of the border

“We want to say as bishops our firm ‘no’ to a harsh language and remind our politicians that their vocation is to work for the common good and exercise their leadership through the careful practice of compromise and agreement.”


“Show positives of Eighth Amendment before UN Committee”: PLC

“Abortion is, by its very nature, discriminatory as it allows some human beings to be given lesser protection under the law. The practice of sex-selection abortions has also led to widespread discrimination against baby girls.”


Pro Life Campaign increasingly unhappy with Citizens’ Assembly

Pro Life Campaign says there is “lack of balance” in Assembly’s proceedings, and Assembly is completely ignoring the positive impact of the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution.


People with congenital disabilities are facing extinction, says British Lord

“If we were animals, perhaps we might qualify for protection as an endangered species. But we are only human beings with disabilities, so we do not,” says Lord Shinkwin.


Precious Life moves into campaign mode for NI election

Abortion will be a major issue in March election.


New video exposes Marie Stopes’ abortion ‘mission’ in Africa

UK tax-payers’ money is being used to provide abortion under the guise of ‘reproductive health services’ even in those countries where abortion is illegal.


Pray and fast for 40 days to prevent abortion

“You can fast from food, TV, alcohol, cigarettes, sweets or chocolate,” says Precious Life.  To stop abortion “a massive revolution of prayer and sacrifice” is needed.


Citizens’ Assembly receives over 13,000 submissions on abortion

Next discussion of Eighth Amendment takes place on 7 and 8 January.


UK health watchdog issues damning report on Marie Stopes clinics

Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) has duty now to inspect Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast, says Precious Life.


BAI issues formal warning to RTÉ over biased abortion coverage

Third complaint against The Ray D’Arcy Show upheld.


Two lives, one love: bishops speak for Eighth Amendment

There is no such thing as a human life without value. The deletion or amendment of Article 40.3.3, would serve no purpose other than to withdraw the right to life from some categories of unborn children.


300K anti abortion petitions presented to NI assembly

Meanwhile, ‘LoveBoth’ project is launched in Republic of Ireland, highlighting lives saved by Eighth Amendment.


“Human life is the most fundamental right of all”

President of the World Meeting of Families 2018, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, told reporters that the right to life “is a fundamental issue for the Church everywhere” and the Church “is not going to change its position on that”.


Parents angry and dismayed at NI abortion bill

Term ‘fatal abnormality’ is “medically meaningless and used to dehumanise babies” – Every Life Counts.


Precious Life slams Amnesty abortion poll

Bernadette Smyth, director of Precious Life, says Amnesty is “claiming to be a ‘human rights group’ while campaigning for the legalised destruction of unborn children.”


Pro Life Campaign ready to address Citizens’ Assembly if asked

Record attendance at Pro Life Campaign national conference hears from Irish-born film producer about Gosnell movie, which lifts the lid on what actually happens during an abortion.


Trump tells Catholic voters – I will fight for you

“I have a message for Catholics: I will be there for you,” says US presidential candidate, Donald Trump.


Pro Life Campaign is reassured by Irish Times opinion poll on abortion

Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said: “The poll clearly shows that 73% of respondents do not want unrestricted access to abortion in Ireland, along the lines of what the ‘Repeal’ campaign is looking for.”


Demands to quash the Eighth Amendment rejected

The Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin, uses his ‘Day for Life’ message as a rallying call to all who support the pro-life movement and agenda.


Citizens’ assembly meeting on abortion on 15 October

Government should admit the "sole purpose of the citizens’ assembly on abortion is to clear the way for a referendum that would strip the unborn child of his/her right to life," warns PLC.


‘Disgraceful that a state funded agency campaigning for abortion’

National Women's Council of Ireland ought to acknowledge and reflect upon report on lives saved by the Eighth Amendment says PLC.


100,000 lives saved by 8th Amendment: PLC

“The truth is repeal of the 8th Amendment would inevitably result in more lives being lost. That’s the tragic reality of legalised abortion."


BPAS offers helpline to Irish women using illegal abortion tablets

"Research has shown, time and time again, that abortion drugs endanger women’s lives," warns Precious Life.


Some abortion procedures suspended at Marie Stopes clinics

“Women have been kept in the dark for far too long about poor standards of care at Marie Stopes clinics" - PLC.


Citizens’ convention is a smokescreen: Bishop Doran

"Any government which seeks to legalise the taking of innocent human life betrays its sacred trust and is guilty of a crime against humanity.”

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