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Referendum debate continues, with worrying questions about the implications for healthcare professionals

“If the Eighth Amendment is repealed, it will have on impact on both the general public and those of us working in the health sector,” says one nurse, as Ciara Ferry continues her reports on the referendum debate over the past week.


Choose life, urges Bishop Monahan in pre-referendum pastoral

The Irish Constitution offers protection and care, in equal measure, to both women and unborn babies. Why would we want to alter this carefully worked balance to the detriment of either mother or baby? – Bishop Monahan


Obstetrician: Eighth Amendment has never hindered my work

“No doctor doing their job properly would wait until there is an immediate and critical threat to a pregnant woman’s life before acting to protect the woman. The Eighth Amendment does not stop me from doing my job.”


Referendum debate continues, this time on live TV

Ciara Ferry reviews Friday’s debate on the Late Late Show, and says that with two more televised debates expected before 25 May, campaigners will hope that calm, rational debate will keep viewer numbers up and encourage a high turn-out on polling day.


Midwife relates how she was forced out over refusal to supervise abortions

The push for unrestricted abortion is being driven by “a small number of ideologues” warns Mary Doogan.


Act in the best interest of the unborn child, says Bishop Brennan to voters in Ferns

“We are always human. At no point are we ever something less or something different. What is inherently a right to humanity – namely the right to life – cannot be either denied or taken away.”


Lifting of Eighth Amendment will introduce abortion on demand

“There is no going back,” says Love Both as it launches campaign for a 'No' vote.


Right to life pastorals published by three bishops this weekend

We will never again have a more important vote. There is no cause more noble than to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Never before in history have we had so much scientific proof that the unborn baby is a living, breathing human being.


You too have “an ownership of the child you helped conceive”

Finola Bruton appeals to men to stand up for the unborn and take on their rights and responsibilities as fathers.


Abortion survivor appeals for retention of Eighth Amendment

Claire Culwell told her story at a number of rallies in Ireland last week in order to speak up for babies in the womb who are at the same risk of abortion that she herself faced.


Proposed abortion law is in no way restrictive: Iona Institute

“In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy no medical reason for abortion whatsoever need be offered. Perfectly healthy women will be aborting perfectly healthy babies. How is this ‘healthcare’?" - Maria Steen.


The world is “watching and praying with Ireland”

Two US bishops encouraging Catholics in their dioceses to pray that Ireland may remain abortion free.


Human rights plea in Ardagh and Clonmacnoise pastoral

The right to life is the most fundamental right of all. Once human life begins it should be allowed to continue


Former Taoiseach John Bruton pays tribute to Bishop Farrell

“He takes a huge interest in people and their lives, particularly when they face difficult times, such as bereavement.”


‘Two Lives, One Love’ republished to inform ‘Save the Eighth’ debate

Children are innocent and they are entitled to the best support and care that we can provide.


Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri’s call for repeal of 8th challenged by nun

Constitutional Amendment “is a sign that our society here is just, equitable, hospitable, humane to everyone, protective of the most defenceless and vulnerable” – Sr Kathleen McGarvey OLA.


Public prayer is vital to win referendum

Former MEP appeals for support for Rosary at the Mass Rock initiative which takes place on 18 March 2018 all over Ireland.


Save the Eighth rally: most important pro life rally ever

Down’s Syndrome advocate to address Saturday’s march.


Taking away right to life from the unborn is a “shocking” step – bishops

Repealing Article 40.3.3 will leave unborn children “at the mercy of whatever permissive abortion laws might be introduced in Ireland in the future”.


Abortion only permissible when mother’s life in danger says leading Islamic figure

Dr Ali Selim says under Islamic law abortion is not licit in case of rape, but only where the life of the mother is in actual physical danger.


Polls show drop in support for Govt’s abortion proposal: PLC

“The point we have been making that there’s no such thing as limited abortion is starting to resonate with voters. This is not surprising as the evidence from other countries on this point is so strong.”


Proposed buffer zones around abortion clinics in Britain

"A blanket introduction of 'buffer zones' carries with it the danger of both denying freedom of expression and fostering intolerance towards legitimate opinions which promote the common good." Bishop Sherrington


GP organisation will be neutral in Referendum

Many of us GPs, “simply could not in good conscience administer a drug to a healthy young woman with a healthy pregnancy that would cause her to lose her child,” writes GP in Irish Examiner.


GP abortion survey is fake news

Journal.ie and Irish Times withdraw story from websites on "unscientific" and "self-selecting" poll of alleged Irish GPs for Irish Medical Times.


Church leaders oppose unrestricted access to abortion

Repealing the eighth amendment and introducing a liberal abortion regime will result in terminations not just up to 12 weeks but in some cases right up to the point of birth - Bishop Leahy.


Tánaiste confused about what repeal means for rights of unborn

This referendum, if passed, strips away the constitutional right to life of the unborn," says Save the 8th.


Pro life dismay at Cabinet backing for repeal of Eighth Amendment

“In the coming weeks, it will become clear that the government’s proposal would lead to abortion on demand if voted for in the referendum” – Dr Ruth Cullen.


Destroying the life of the unborn is crossing a final frontier, says Bishop Kevin Doran

If we concede ground on abortion, the very same arguments will be used to justify ending the lives of frail elderly people and people with significant disability. This is the final frontier.


President Trump addresses world’s largest pro-life rally

You come from many backgrounds, and many places, but you all come for one beautiful cause, to build a society where life is celebrated and protected and cherished

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