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8th Amendment

Bruton urges pro-life movement to create “supportive environment for life”

Greater recognition must be given in Ireland’s welfare system and tax codes to the cost of rearing children, former Taoiseach says.

Former Taoiseach [...]


LAUDATO SI – Saving our Common Home and the Future of Life on Earth

Two-day International Conference "Saving our common home and the future of life on Earth". Vatican City, 5-6 July 2018, hosted by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.


Doctors for Life – Dr Ronan Cleary

Dr Ronan Cleary on the 8th Amendment


Doctors for Life – Dr Phil Boyle, Fertility Specialist

Ireland is one of the safest places in the world to have a baby.


Interview with Dr Trevor Hayes #5

Proper supportive care given to expectant mother, which recognises both mother and baby, will lead to less abortions. That is one solution.


Interview with Dr Trevor Hayes #4

Abortion is not healthcare. A woman is never denied treatment or healthcare because of the law.


Interview with Dr Trevor Hayes #3

The death of the baby is not a treatment for any condition in the mother.


Interview with Dr Trevor Hayes – No doctor stands around waiting 2

No doctor stands around waiting. A doctor actively manages his/her patients' needs, mother and child, from the first instance.


Choose Life 2018 – Newsletter Issue #15

“Defending the right to life of the unborn is the most important social justice issue of our time. It will shape the kind of Ireland we live in for years to come.” Finola Bruton is chair of the Parish Pastoral Council of Dunboyne & Kilbride.


Interview with Dr Trevor Hayes #2 – No doctor stands around waiting.

No doctor stands around waiting. A doctor actively manages his/her patients' needs, mother and child, from the first instance.


Video-Daithí MacCarthaigh, Abhóide Clip 1


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018


Video – Benedict Ó Floinn Barrister


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018


Video – Aindrias Ó Caoimh Former High Court Judge/European Court of Justice


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018


Interview with Dr Trevor Hayes #1 – No woman has ever died as a result of the 8th amendment



Referendum debate continues, with worrying questions about the implications for healthcare professionals

“If the Eighth Amendment is repealed, it will have on impact on both the general public and those of us working in the health sector,” says one nurse, as Ciara Ferry continues her reports on the referendum debate over the past week.


Doctors for Life – Dr Deidre Gleeson

Dr Deirdre Gleeson on the 8th Amendment


Forty days of prayer on Croagh Patrick under way

They have one special prayer intention – the referendum on the Eighth Amendment. “Many people, of all faiths and none, strongly support the protection of life from the moment of conception to natural death,” said John Carlin, one of the organisers.


Pro life dismay at Cabinet backing for repeal of Eighth Amendment

“In the coming weeks, it will become clear that the government’s proposal would lead to abortion on demand if voted for in the referendum” – Dr Ruth Cullen.


Oireachtas Committee on 8th Amendment “a propaganda exercise”

Expert witnesses before Committee include abortion-campaigning group, Center for Reproductive Rights, which has been fundraising online in the US to overturn Ireland's pro-life laws.


Pro-life group gets backing of Advertising Standards Authority NI

“The ASA have examined our calculations and backed our figure ... This independent verification is a real endorsement of our campaign.”


Positive news for Pro Life Campaign in weekend poll

Only 23 per cent of those surveyed were in favour of abortion ‘on request’, which contrasts starkly with the views of the Citizens’ Assembly.


100,000 lives saved by 8th Amendment: PLC

“The truth is repeal of the 8th Amendment would inevitably result in more lives being lost. That’s the tragic reality of legalised abortion."


Every Life Counts questions UN committee abortion ruling

"It is appalling to see the UN Committee on Human Rights pressing for abortion on disability grounds. Surely very sick babies deserve special protection not abortion" - Tracy Harkin.


Primate has “no objection” to married priests

One of the ways the bishops are dealing with the vocations crisis is by “borrowing back" from Churches where Irish priests and sisters served.


Guild of Catholic of nurses & doctors visits Knock

Catholic doctors and nurses, who know the truth, must help people recognise that babies with life limiting conditions are patients in need of care.


PLC angered by Citizens’ Assembly on abortion proposal

Citizens’ Assembly proposal has always been about paving the way for removing the only remaining legal protection for the unborn child.


NWCI focus should be homeless pregnant women

“It is an outrage that National Women’s Council has no track record in fighting for safe and secure accommodation for homeless expectant mothers”- PLC.


‘There is no such thing as a life without value’

"For as long as they live, children with life-limiting conditions are entitled to be loved and cared for like any other child” - Bishop Kevin Doran.


Irish society must be ‘people-centered’: Archbishop

If an unborn child has a life-limiting condition, it would be “inhumane to withdraw the protection of the Constitution to their right to life”.

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