28/02/2021 Second Sunday of Lent
Remember Mark 9:2-10
Jesus took with him Peter and James and John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone by themselves. There in their presence he was transfigured
Elijah appeared to them with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus. And a cloud came, covering them in shadow; and there came a voice from the cloud,
“This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.”
Then suddenly, when they looked round, they saw no one with them anymore but only Jesus.
We all want someone would to tell they love us.
Jesus experienced this liberating joy at the Transfiguration when His Father said it aloud that he, Jesus was the beloved Son! We as Jesus’ adopted sisters and brothers are also God’s favourite children, even if we sometimes forget it.
The Mt Tabor was a father/ son moment,
Jesus in front of his apostles was declared to be the beloved by the radiant light and love of his Father, God, creator of the universe and all creation.
We, like Peter, James and John, are also the loved of God and Jesus is our elder brother in our faith and care for each other.
In this way we are all loved by God and we are His adopted children.
This love is meant to be transmitted from each of us to the other.
We are called to be the light for each other
We can build on this or reject this revelation.
We can bring out the light and
let it shine through us
or absorb it in our self importance.
If we really do believe we are all loved by God we would appreciate our world more, we would work harder to transfigure it, and we would try tobe that little bit more like our brother Jesus and father God.
(Imagine yourself breathing in the love of God.
Let it fill your body bit by bit, and generously share it with others.
Nobody is called to be a solitary island.)
You are our Spiritual Father’s natural son,
we are your adopted sisters and brothers and so proud of you.
Help us to grow in faith and love
and feel God’s confidence in our faith and love too. Amen
Come together! Come together!
Come together, in Jesus’ Name
Jesus People come together,
let your light shine.
Let no difference grow between you,
let your light shine.
So let it shine, shine, shine!
Come on and let your light shine!
Come together! Come together!
Come together, in Jesus’ Name
(“Come Together” Jimmy and Carol Owens)