St Francis Xavier was one of a group of seven companions of Ignatius of Loyola who became the first Jesuit priests.
Summary: Bl John of Rysbroeck of Belgium was a 14th century contemplative and mystical writer, a contemporary of Julian of Norwich, Meister Eckhart and Richard Rolle.
Patrick Duffy writes what is known about him.
With his Uncle at St Gudula’s, Brussels
Edmund Campion was the first Jesuit priest to be executed in England under the Statutes of the Elizabethan Act of Supremacy in 1581.
Andrew, a Galilean fisherman from Bethsaida, was the first disciple to be called by Jesus. He is said to have preached the gospel in Greece.
St Adamnan tells a story of Brendan's support of St Columba when "he had been excommunicated for some pardonable and very trifling reasons, and indeed unjustly". Brendan, quickly arose , bowed down and kissed him.
For forty-five years from the time of her visions in 1831 until her death in 1876, Cathrine led an outwardly uneventful life as a Daughter of Charity in Paris.
Summary: St Cuthbert Mayne is one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales canonised by Pope Paul VI on 25th Oct. 1970. He converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, became a priest and and was martyred for his faith.
Patrick Duffy relates his story.
Born in Ireland, Feargal of Virgil (Latin "Virgilius") is said to have been a descendant of Niall of the Nine Hostages.
As a means of keeping alive the religious fervor awakened during his many mission, Leonard promoted the Stations of the Cross as a reminder of the cost of God's forgiveness.
Summary: St Clement I, pope, martyr. Clement died in New Testament times, at the end of the first century. His name is included in Eucharistic Prayer I (The Roman Canon). Noted for a letter written from the Church at Rome to the Church at Corinth, an important witness [...]
Summary: St Colman, Bishop Colman mac Lenine was born around 530, probably in West Cork. A bard by profession, he [...]
The Emperor had Cathrine tortured on a spiked wheel,when fell to pieces and she remained unhurt, some spectators were killed by flying splinters..
Andrew Dung-Lac (1795-1839) was an indigenous Vietnamese priest who along with a brother priest was tortured and beheaded under the emperor Ming-Mang in 1839.
Summary: St Columban, missionary
Eugene Ryan writes about St Columban (543-615) and his contribution to Europe.
Robert Schumann, founder of the EU, [...]
Already a monk at Bangor Columban set out from Ireland with twelve companions as a wandering pilgrim for Christ.
Cecilia was beheaded, but this was bungled, and she lingered on for three days. She was buried in the catacomb of San Callisto.
This feast It highlights the holiness of Mary from the beginning of her life on earth that continued through her early childhood and beyond.
Hinguar, the Viking, began to shoot arrows at him until his body looked like that of a hedgehog and then r commanded his head to be cut off.
Hugh's concern for justice extended beyond his dealings with kings - to the defence of Jewish communities during an outbreak of anti-Semitism during the Third Crusade.
Summary: Saint Odo was the second abbot of Cluny. He enacted various reforms in the Cluniac monastery system of France and Italy.
This feast helps us move beyond our narrow geographical confines to a sense of the universal Church, it's origins and missionary calling
Elizabeth was widowed at twenty. Both before and after her husband's death she dedicated herself to solidarity with and care of the sick and the poor
Margaret proved a civilising influence at the somewhat rough Scottish court
Summary : St Gertrude. Born about 1256; died at Helfta (Germany) about 1302. Entrusted from five years of age to Benedictine or possibly Cistercian nuns, among whom she experienced a deep conversion at the age of twenty-five and lived a life of mystical contemplation. Found Christ in the [...]
In 1278, aged 61, Albert's memory failed him in symptoms that resemble Alzheimer's disease. Sufferers from the disease have begun to look on him as their patron.
Summary :St Laurence O’Toole, monk. Laurence was born in Leinster in 1123. studied at Glendalough, became abbot there in 1148, and in 1162 was chosen as the first native Archbishop of Dublin. He followed the reforming methods of Ceallach and Malachy, introducing the Canons Regular to Dublin and [...]
Stanislaus at 17 years of age decided to become a Jesuit, but the Austrian provincial would not receive him.
Josaphat ecumenical endeavour brought him into severe conflict and ended in his brutal murder
Martin by his request, he was buried in the Cemetery of the Poor on 11th November. He .is the first non-martyr to be honoured as a saint and he is regarded as the patron saint of France.
Summary: Martin of Tours Like St Ambrose of Milan, Martin was an army man who picked up the Christian ethos that had crept into the army through Constantine. Clovis, a century later, became a Christian through his wife Clothilde. Through them the story of France and [...]