Summary : St Norbert, bishop: Born in the Rhineland (Germany) about 1080; died at Magdeburg on this day in 1134. A cleric in minor orders, he converted from a comfortable life in 1115, was ordained to the presbyterate, and took [...]
At the age of eighty, he set out again along the Rhine to complete the conversion of the Frisians and of his Saxons. Boniface's camp was overrun by brigands who slaughtered him and his many companions.
Summary: St Boniface, martyr Born in Devon (England) about 675; died in the Netherlands on this day in 754. A monk and teacher who went to evangelise the Germanic peoples. He was ordained bishop and given wide-ranging papal commissions throughout Germany and Gaul. He founded monasteries and [...]
The Uganda Martyrs are the first martyrs in the second wave of evangelisation of Africa in the 19th century.
Before his death Kevin decided to remain permanently at his hermitage, asking his monks not to visit, bring food or disturb him in any way.
"Through the martyrdom of Peter and Marcellinu , God gives us proof of his constant presence to his Church."
Justin claimed with power and clarity that he had found in Christianity 'the only sure and profitable philosophy'
Summary: St Justin, Martyr. born about 100 at Nablus (Palestine); died about 165 in Rome. After lengthy study of Greek philosophies, he acknowledged Christ as the source of all truth. A lay intellectual, Christian philosopher, and apologist. He was noted for his reasoned defence of Christian belief and [...]
And, Mother Mary, give us Christ to carry Within our hearts, that we may conquer death.
Joan was handed over to the civil authorities and burned at the stake in the market-place of Rouen on 30 May 1431.
Summary: St Germanus of Paris founded the famous Abbaye de St Germain-des-Près.
Patrick Duffy traces the story of the saint.
A [...]
Augustine comes across as an inexperienced but diligent disciple carrying out in Britain the directions of his superior in Rome.
Summary : St Philip Neri: Born in Florence (Italy) in 1515; died at Rome on this day in 1595. An outstanding proponent of Church reform after the Council of Trent. Worked among the young and the poor in Rome and founded the Congregation of the Oratory. Honoured as [...]
Gregory's last words were an adaptation of Psalm 44 (45) verse 7: "I have loved justice and hated iniquity; therefore I die in exile".
From age 38 onwards she was bed-ridden, suffering physical pain, such as violent headaches and paralysis, spiritual aridity and temptations to suicide.
Bede lived for eternity and wanted to use his writings to help people reach a happy eternity.
Summary: St Madeleine Sophie Barat: Mount Anville School in Goatstown, South Dublin, and St Catherine’s College, Armagh, are the most prominent schools in Ireland which owe their origin to the Sacred Heart Sisters, founded by teaching order of St Madeleine.
Patrick Duffy tells her story.
Abbot Aelred of Rievaulx, delivered the eulogy, praising his reluctance to become king, his sense of justice and his accessibility to everyone.
Vincent develops practical guidelines for distinguishing heresy from true doctrine. The first criterion is Scripture then the tradition of the Catholic Church.
Rita is regarded as a patron of those suffering violence and abuse in marriage.
He was arrested while en route to celebrate Mass and executed without a trial. Before he and his companion were shot, said: "Be at peace, my son; just a minute and then we're in heaven".
St Bernardine was a great Observant Franciscan preacher is best remembered for his devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus
Summary: St Dunstan: born at Baltonsborough and joined the household of his uncle Athelm, Archbishop of Canterbury(923-926 AD). Later he himself succeeded to the same Archdiocese. For twenty nine years he was known for his prayerful life, generosity and work for peace.
John was buried in the nave of St Peter's Basilica with the epitaph "a victim for Christ" and is honoured as martyr.
Paschal was a Franciscan lay brother who became famous for his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
Summary: St Simon Stock is associated with the brown scapular of the Carmelite order. A native of Kent who may have gone on pilgrimage or crusade to the Holy Land and had an experience of the hermit and community life on Mount Carmel and brought this back to [...]
Summary: St Isidore the farm-labourer is an example of a lay saint of humble origin who attained a life of sanctity through doing ordinary work [...]
Carthage's chief legacy was that of an austere and blameless life.
Matthias was '"someone who has been with us the whole time that the Lord Jesus was travelling around with us ."
Our Lady told the children to say the Rosary every day, and that doing so was the way to personal and world peace.