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Aug 16 – St Stephen of Hungary (975-1038) King, Patron

Stephen was the first Christian king of Hungary. He established a stable Christian culture in that part of Central Europe.


Aug 15 – The Assumption of the Bl. Virgin Mary

Since death is a consequence of sin, it was fitting that in the case of Our Lady, due to her her freedom from original sin and personal sin, she would have protected her from the general law of death.


Aug 14 – St Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941) Franciscan martyr

One of the menselected for immediate death cried out, saying he had a famil. Maxamillian volunteered to take his place and this was accepted by the Nazi commander.


Aug 13 – St Fachtna (6th century) patron of Rosscarbery

Fachtna founded a monastery and school in the Rosscarbery area which became a celebrated seat of learning and gained an international reputation for study of sacred scripture.


Aug 13 – Saints Pontian, pope and Hippolytus, priest (d.c. 235) martyrs

Summary: Ss Pontian & Hippolytus, martyrs: died some time in the fourth century after mistreatment in exile. They were brought back to Rome for burial on this day and honoured as seekers of the truth.

Patrick Duffy tells us what is known about them.


Aug 12 – St Muiredach (c. 480) patron of Killala diocese

St Muiredach may have been the founder of a monastery on the island of Inishmurray, seven kilometres off the coast of Mullaghmore, Co Sligo.

<<<This image  shows the Cathedral of St Muiredach, Ballina, which is the [...]


Aug 12 – St Attracta (Adhract) (5th century): co-patron with St Nathy of Achonry diocese

Summary St Attracta: When St Patrick is said to have founded a nunnery at Coolavin, he appointed Attracta as its first abbess. It was called after her Cill Adhracht (“Attracta’s church”, English Killaraght).


Aug 12 – St Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641): Co-founder

"Sometimes put yourself simply before God, certain of his presence everywhere, and without any effort, whisper very softly to his sacred heart whatever your own heart prompts you to say."


Aug 11 – St Clare (1193-1253) founder

When Clare was very sick and confined to her cell, she began to see the convent Mass on the wall of her room as if she was present there herself. Pope Pius XII in 1958 proclaimed her patroness of television.


Aug 10 – St Lawrence (d. 258) deacon

Just before he died, Lawrence called out jokingly to his executioners who were burning him to death, "Turn me over. I'm already roasted on this side."


Aug 9 – St Felim of Kilmore 6th Century Patron of Kilmore diocese (1)

Summary : St Felim of Kilmore (1) 6th century patron of Kilmore diocese. Very little is known about hermit Felim around whom a monastery grew up and later a cathedral. 

Patrick Duffy explains some of the background.


Aug 9 – St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) (1891-1942)

Born into the jewish faith, the road to faith in Jesus Christ was not an easy one for Edith


Aug 9 – St Nathy (6th Century) holy man and patron of Achonry diocese

Summary: St Nathy (6th Century)    A pupil of St Finian of Clonard, he had a reputation for holiness. St Finian put him in charge of a monastery at Achonry. It is probably for this reason that, sometime after the diocese was formally erected at the Synod of [...]


Aug 8 – St Dominic (1170-1221): Priest, Religious Founder

Dominic was a man who pursued his dream and who remained faithful to his calling even when he found himself in the midst of failure. T


Aug 7 – St Cajetan of Vicensa, founder

Cajetan worked hard for the poor and the sick and founded a hospital for incurables.


Aug 7 – St Sixtus II (pope 257-258) and his companions, martyrs

Summary: Pope St Sixtus & Companions, martyrs. They died on 6 August 258, martyred the year after his election as bishop of Rome during the persecution of the emperor Valerian. According to his contemporary, Saint Cyprian, Sixtus was not so much ‘killed’ as ‘crowned’,  along with four deacons, [...]


Aug 6 – Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Matthew says Jesus "was transfigured before them. His face shone as the sun: his garments became white as snow". (Mt 17:1-6


Aug 5 – St Mary MacKillop (1842–1909) 1st Australian saint

Mary was excommunicated by the Bishop of Adelaide for insubordination and disobedience. Mary took it all with patience and good humour. Later the bishop admitted his mistake


Aug 5 – St Oswald, king and martyr

Summary: St Oswald, king and martyr. ~ There are two St Oswalds in England: one lived in the 7th century; he was the King of Northumbria who brought St Aidan to Lindisfarne; his feast is on 5th August. (The other was a 10th century monk and bishop of [...]


Aug 4 – St John Marie Vianney (1786-1859)

John Vianney preferred to show the attractive side of virtue rather than the ugliness of vice.


Aug 2- St Peter Julian Eymard (1811-68) founder

Peter Julian Eymard had an intense devotion to the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament


Aug 2 – St Eusebius of Vercelli (283-371) bishop

At Vercelli Eusebius set up a kind of monastic rule for the clergy to live in common with other priests


Aug 1 – St Alphonsus Liguori (1) 1696-1787

In his later years Alphonsus suffered badly from arthritis. -patron of arthritis sufferers


Aug 1 – St Alphonsus Ligouri (2): bishop, patron of arthritis

Summary: St Alphonsus Liguori Many of us, especially as we get older, suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, and back and joint pains. Some cannot get any relief.

Peter Ward CSsR proposes St Alphonsus Liguori as patron for all those suffering from arthritis, sciatica, muscular [...]


Jul 31 – St. Ignatius of Loyola (1) : success out of failure

Summary: St Ignatius of Loyola, priest, religious. Born at Loyola (Spain) in 1491; died on this day at Rome in 1556. A Spanish nobleman trained in diplomacy and the use of arms, wounded in battle against the French. The experience of conversion while convalescing led him [...]


Jul 31 – St Ignatius (2) the mystic

Summary: The image of the Jesuits as the “shock-troops of the Vatican” is not quite how their founder, St Ignatius of Loyola, saw either himself or his companions. Rather they were “pilgrims” who had a desire “to love and to serve the Lord with their whole being”.


Jul 31 – St Ignatius Loyola (3) (1491-1556)

Ignatius, a man of God who in his life put God, his greatest glory and his greatest service, first"


Jul 30 – St Peter Chrysologus (d. 450) bishop

Peter Chrysologus ("Golden-worded").became famous for his short, inspiring homilies, 176 of which still survive today.


Jul 29 – St Martha, Mary and Lazarus of Bethany (1st century)

Martha : the woman of faith, who said: "I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who was to come into the world"


Jul 28 – St Samson of Dol (d. 565)

Samson is revered as one of the seven founding saints of Brittany

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