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Oct 1 – St Thérèse of Lisieux 1. 1873-97AD Carmelite and patroness of missionaries

Summary: St Thérése of the Child Jesus,  Doctor of the Church. Born at Alençon (France) in 1873; died of tuberculosis on 30 Sept. 1897. Coming from a devout family, she entered a Carmelite monastery at fifteen, [...]


Oct 1 – St Thérèse of Lisieux (2). liittle pathway to God

'Saints are always men and women of the future, witnesses of the world to come.'


Oct 1 – St Thérèse of Lisieux 3. priestly vocation and doctor of the Church

Summary :St Thérèse of Lisieux had deep feelings of having a vocation to be a priest and how she dealt with this sense of calling in the light of its impossibility.

Catherine Broome OP examines  [...]


Sep 30 – St Jerome (2) 340-420 priest and doctor of the Church

Jerome's most important work was his translation of the Bible into Latin, which came to be known as the Vulgate and has remained the accepted Latin version up to our own time.


Sep 30 – Saint Jerome (1) 342-420 AD, Doctor of the Church

Summary: St Jerome, priest, Doctor of the Church. died on this day in 420. Began work on a new Latin translation of the Bible, known as the Vulgate. Settled in Bethlehem where he founded monasteries, he devoted himself to studying the Scriptures, writing, and teaching, and famous for [...]


Sep 29 – Ss Michael, Gabriel and Raphael-Archangels

St Augustine, said: "Angel is the name of their office, not of their nature."


Sep 28 – St Wenceslaus (907-929) martyr

Boleslaus struck Wenceslaus on the head with a sword. They struggled, and then friends of Boleslaus finished off the assassination.


Sep 27 – St Vincent de Paul, priest (1581-1660)

Vincent 's gift was that he was able t to use his influence among the rich and fashionable to organise the resources needed for works of charity among the poor and oppressed.


Sep 26 – Ss Cosmas and Damian, martyrs (died 303)

Because they refused payment for their medical services, they were known as "the silverless ones". During the persecution of Diocletian (303), they were imprisoned, tortured and beheaded.


Sep 25 – St Sergius of Radonezh (1315-1392) hermit and abbot

St Sergius by his prayer prayer and self-discipline built up Russian spirituality and helped restore Russian society


Sep 25 – St Finbarr (560-610) bishop, patron of the diocese of Cork

"He shall be called Finn-barr, that is 'beautiful hair', from the beautiful head he offered in sacrifice to God."


Sep 24 – St Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury (602-690)

Theodore, a Greek monk living in Rome who was sent by Pope Vitalian (657-672) to be the archbishop of Canterbury.


Sep 23 – St Adomnán (Eunan) (624-704) 9th abbot of Iona

Eunan intervened to liberate war captives and to claim safety during war for women, children and clerics.


Sep 23 – St Pius of Pietrelcina (1887-1968) Padre Pio

The stigmata on Padre Pio's hands and feet became visible and a wound in his side bled for the rest of his life.


Sep 22 – St Thomas Villanova, bishop – 1484-1555

Summary: St Thomas of Villanova, educator, philanthropist, born at Fuentellana, Spain, 1488; died at Valencia, 8 Sept., 1555.

Son of Aloazo [...]


Sep 21 – St Matthew, apostle and evangelist

Matthew, a Jew, was a tax collector for the Romans and accused of being a traitor to his own people, went on to write his Gospel


Sep 20 – Fr Andrew Kim and the Korean Martyrs (19th century)

Kim Taegon was Korea’s first Roman Catholic priest. One year after his ordination, he was arrested, tortured and at the age of 25 was finally beheaded on 22nd September 1846 at the Han River near Seoul.


Sep 19 – St Januarius (4th century) marytr

Januarius was a 4th century bishop who with his companions suffered martyrdom in the persecution of Diocletian.


Sep 18 – St Joseph of Cupertino (1603-63) Franciscan and ecstatic

Joseph of Cupertino was worthy of sainthood because of his extraordinary humility, gentleness and patience.


Sept 17 – St Hildegard of Bingen (1)-Visionary & Mystic –

Summary: St Hildegard of Bingen, a visionary, doctor of the Church and mystic in her medieval Germany, now she is very much admired as a saint. 

 Fr John Murray PP details her life here


Sept 17 – St Hildegard of Bingen (2) 1098-1179AD, abbess and mystic

Summary: Hildegard of Bingen, (1098–1179), a German mystic, writer, composer, philosopher, Benedictine abbess, visionary, & polymath. “Who is this woman?” asked Cistercian Pope Eugenius III, when shown her writings. “She rises out of the wilderness like a column of smoke from burning spices.”


Sep 17 – St Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) Jesuit theologian and bishop

St Robert Bellarmine was a Jesuit theologian and then a bishop who was almost elected pope.


Sep 16 – Ss Cyprian, bishop, and Cornelius, pope (3rd century martyrs)

Cyprian was put to death on 14th September AD 258


Sep 15 – Our Lady of Sorrows

The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order in Florence are credited with starting devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows in A D 1239.


Sep 14 – St Helen: In search of the True Cross

Summary: Helen was the mother of the Emperor Constantine (285-337 AD). She is famous for her discovery of the Holy Cross which led to the great feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on 14th September.

Fr John Murray profiles her life and influence.


Sep 14 – The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Summary: The Cross is the sign of our Redemption, and within the Redemption is contained the pledge of resurrection and the beginning of new life: the lifting up of human hearts.


Sep 13 – St John Chrysostom (350-407) bishop, doctor of the Church

Summary: John Chrysostom,  a bishop and an eloquent preacher (His nickname ‘Chrysostomos’ means “golden-mouthed”) . He became patriarch of Constantinople, fell foul of the empress Eudoxia there, possibly for his denunciation of her wealth,  and she had him deposed and [...]


Sep 12 – St Ailbe of Emly (d. 528) the Patrick of Munster

Summary:  St Ailbe is regarded as the patron saint of Munster and his church at Emly and was for long the province’s chief ecclesiastical centre. He is the patron saint of the joint archdiocese of Cashel and Emly with the see at Thurles. (The last bishop of Emly [...]


Sept 11 – St Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510) wife and mystic

Summary: St Catherine of Genoa, for Catherine life was very painful , she called her spiritual life is a ‘beautiful purgatory’. Her personality was both enigmatic and engaging.

Patrick Duffy tells her story.

Her Marriage


Sep 10 – St Nicholas of Tolentino (1245-1305) Augustinian friar, patron of the souls in purgatory

Summary: St Nicholas of Tolentino , born in 1245 0r 6,  gaining a reputation for working miracles and making peace. Tolentino had a name as a trouble town, but Nicholas brought it peace.  He was known as the Patron of Holy Souls, was an Italian saint and mystic.

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