John-Baptist encountered opposition especially from those who felt that the poorer classes should not be educated beyond manual skills
Michael Rua was Don Bosco's closest collaborator in the development of the new Salesian congregation
Associated with anti-pope Pedro de Luna (called Benedict XIII) at Avignon, Vincent later withdrew his support.
St Isidore's encyclopedic knowledge, not always original or accurate, led to his being proclaimed patron saint of the internet !
Henry III confiscated all Richard's diocesan property and decreed that no one should give him shelter.
Francis dedicated himself to a life of solitude, setting himself up as a hermit in a cave by the sea.
Ceallach deserves to be better known and acknowledged.
"Whatever help, spiritual or material, he was asked to give, he gave. In total poverty he possessed all things."
The Name 'John of the Ladder' comes from a classic in ascetical literature which he wrote entitled 'The Ladder of Divine Ascent.'
After Restituta refused to take down crucifixes in her hospital wards, she was decapitated by order of Hitler's secretary Martin Bormann.
Stephen, feeling that life had become too easy at Molesme, went with two other monks to Citeaux, and founded a very strict monastery in the wilderness there.
Rupert, abbot and bishop, preached throughout Bavaria, and succeeded in converting or re-converting all that region.
Ludger, abbot and bishop, brought the faith to the people of Frisia in Holland and the Saxons of north-west Germany, died while on a preaching tour.
Summary: St Margaret Clitherow, a young English mother and martyr, was among the forty English martyrs canonised by Pope Paul VI in 1970.
Paul Hurley SVD tells her story.
Some people complain that Pope John [...]
She did not cry, "I cannot, I am not worthy," nor "I have not the strength."Bravest of all humans. Consent, courage unparalleled, opened her utterly.
"Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom"
When St Patrick became worn out by his labours, Macartan would carry him on his broad shoulders across rivers and over rough ground.
As a layman, Turibius was appointed Archbishop of Lima, Peru. He was rushed through the clerical orders of deacon, priest and bishop in a matter of weeks.
Cartage Bishop Deogratias ransomed many captives by selling vessels, works of art, vestments and ornaments from his Churches.
"With Enda, monasticism in the strict sense - embracing vows, seclusion from the world and a stern discipline - began in Ireland"
Cuthbert spent some years as a fighting soldier until one day he rode into the monastery with spear in hand. He had decided to became a monk.
The role of St. Joseph's in Ss Matthew and Luke gospel and his place place in the life and Liturgy of the church
Cyril of Jerusalem is most famous as the author of the Mystagogic Catecheses for newly initiated adults which is still in use today.
Patrick wrote his 'Confession' as a kind of 'apologia pro vita sua' to praise God for the wonderful works that he saw done through him.
Fionán was an abbot at Swords, Co Dublin and must have been an outstanding abbot as there was a strong devotion to him right through the Middle Ages.
Louise founded the Daughters of Charity who today number 27,000 Catholic women ministering to the poor all over the world.
St Matilta, a widow for thirty-two years, is recognised as patroness of mothers with disappointing children.
Gerard was one of a group of thirty Anglo-Saxon monks who accompanied St Colman of Lindisfarne to Co.Mayo, Ireland.
Mura was a disciple of St Colmcille and was appointed by him as abbot of Othan Mór monastery at Fahan, Co Donegal.
St Aengus of Tallaght in the 8th and 9th centuries undertook monastic reforms to more austere forms of prayer, penance and fasting.