Rita is regarded as a patron of those suffering violence and abuse in marriage.
He was arrested while en route to celebrate Mass and executed without a trial. Before he and his companion were shot, said: "Be at peace, my son; just a minute and then we're in heaven".
St Bernardine was a great Observant Franciscan preacher is best remembered for his devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus
Summary: St Dunstan: born at Baltonsborough and joined the household of his uncle Athelm, Archbishop of Canterbury(923-926 AD). Later he himself succeeded to the same Archdiocese. For twenty nine years he was known for his prayerful life, generosity and work for peace.
John was buried in the nave of St Peter's Basilica with the epitaph "a victim for Christ" and is honoured as martyr.
Paschal was a Franciscan lay brother who became famous for his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
Summary: St Brendan, abbot. a Kerryman who was born in 484-486. He studied at Clonard under Finnian. His name is connected with many places in Kerry such as Ardfert and Mount Brandon. He visited Scotland and reached the Hebrides and possibly areas beyond. He founded a [...]
Summary: St Simon Stock is associated with the brown scapular of the Carmelite order. A native of Kent who may have gone on pilgrimage or crusade to the Holy Land and had an experience of the hermit and community life on Mount Carmel and brought this back to [...]
Summary: St Isidore the farm-labourer is an example of a lay saint of humble origin who attained a life of sanctity through doing ordinary work [...]
Matthias was '"someone who has been with us the whole time that the Lord Jesus was travelling around with us ."
Carthage's chief legacy was that of an austere and blameless life.
Our Lady told the children to say the Rosary every day, and that doing so was the way to personal and world peace.
Pancras wasconverted to Christianity and were put to death in Rome for refusing to sacrifice to the Roman god.
St Cathaldus is invoked against plagues, drought and storms.
Comgall who died in 603 was an inspiration of the 'peregrinatio pro Christo' movement.
Summary: St Antony of Egypt started the solitary form of Christian monasticism for hermits. His contemporary was St Pachomius who was the first to set up communities of monks.
Patrick Duffy tells his story.
Impressed by the Kindness of Christians
Summary :Bl John Sullivan: Born in Eccles St, Dublin, baptised in St George’s Church of Ireland. At 35 he was received into the Roman Catholic Church, lived a very simple lifestyle, attended Trinity College, Dublin in the Classics Dept, joined the Society of Jesus and was [...]
Summary :Bl John Sullivan, a Protestant, converted to Catholicism, A Jesuit Priest in a modern Ireland
John Sullivan Born on 8th May, 1861 at No. 41 Eccles St., Dublin, his father Edward
Summary: BL. Giorgio Frassati was often referred to as the Man of the Eight Beatitudes (As there is no feastday liturgically assigned to this date yet, we have temporarily placed the life of the youthful Bl Giorgio Frasssati here. It is taken [...]
John was more of a holy man and monk than bishop or administrator.
Hilary organised his cathedral clergy into a monastic community, himself taking part in manual work and helping the poor.
The 40 Martyrs who died were not willing to submit to what they saw was an illegitimate claim of the State.
“Let us do ever so little for God, we will be sure He will never forget it, nor let it pass unrewarded."
Somewhere on the journies in Ireland Conleth was attacked and killed by wolves
Summary: 2)The Forty Martyrs of England and Wales (16th-17th centuries: details)
Here Patrick Duffy gives the details of the lives and deaths of each of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.
Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus. James was "the brother of the Lord".
Athanasius is valued in the East more for his ascetic and mystical writings than for his doctrine
In 1955, Pope Pius XII introduced the feast of St Joseph the Worker into the liturgical calendar.
Pius attributed the victory at Lepanto to Our Lady and this led to the cult of Our Lady of Victories and the establishment of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on 7th October.
Summary: Saint Robert of Molesme (c. 1028 – 1111) was a Christian saint and abbot, one of the founders of the Cistercian Order in France.
Patrick Duffy reviews his life.
Early life as a Monk