By Sarah Mac Donald - 12 June, 2019
“Today marks a fresh new beginning in the life of Dom Malachy, for his family and community,” Bishop Fintan Monahan told those gathered in Mount St Joseph’s Abbey in Roscrea for the ordination of Rev Malachy Thompson on Pentecost Sunday.
In his homily the Bishop of Killaloe said it was his “confident hope” that Fr Malachy would continue to renew the spirits of people as they come to Mount St Joseph’s seeking God’s presence and thus “renew the face of the earth as they return to their homes and workplaces”.
He noted that Dom Malachy is “intensely proud” of his Finglas and Dublin roots and that even after a number of years in the Offaly hinterland there had been “no diminution of his strong Dublin accent”.
The newly ordained Cistercian’s home parish is the Church of the Annunciation in the Dublin suburb of Finglas.
“I remarked last year at the diaconate ceremony that the rich theological and spiritual theme of the Annunciation and all contained therein has been contemplated much by Dom Malachy. Today we acknowledge and celebrate the ‘yes’ to vocation of Dom Malachy who like Our Lady at that Annunciation and on Pentecost day has responded so generously and with great courage, diligence, willingness and openness.”
Dr Monahan in his homily noted that Dom Malachy had already given a lifetime of service in his previous busy life of business, and as a man committed to his family and to the community in Mount St Joseph’s.
He said the new priest was obviously a man who takes the words of St Benedict in his Rule to heart – “All guests who appear shall be welcomed as Christ”, and those of St Cronan who said “One receives Christ in a guest”.
Speaking of his call to priesthood, the Bishop of Killaloe said a big part of Malachy’s ministry as a priest will be around the word of God.
“As priest, among many other interesting and fulfilling tasks, he will be called upon in the service of preaching and teaching the Word of God, sharing this enthusiastically with others with the missionary zeal of St Columba or Colmcille of this day.”
Meanwhile, the Diocese of Clogher is preparing for the ordination to priesthood of Deacon Kevin Connolly from the parish of Donagh, Co. Monaghan.
On Sunday 30 June, Bishop Larry Duffy will preside at the ordination ceremony in St Macartan’s Cathedral, Monaghan.
Deacon Kevin will be the first priest to be ordained by Bishop Larry Duffy.
The following day, Deacon Kevin will celebrate his first Mass in St Mary’s Church, Glennan, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan at 7 p.m.
The Diocese of Clogher encompasses all of Co. Monaghan, most of Fermanagh and portions of Tyrone, Donegal, Louth and Cavan.
It has a Catholic population of 88,000 across 37 parishes, which are served by 57 priests and 2 deacons.