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Community and Inclusion – Peter McVerry SJ

02 October, 2012

Peter McVerry SJ

While working as a priest in inner city Dublin, Father Peter McVerry SJ encountered some homeless children and opened a hostel for them in 1979.

He subsequently opened ten more hostels, three drug treatment centres and forty seven apartments. The organisation he started is now known as the Peter McVerry Trust. He has written about his experience in The Meaning is in the Shadows and his recent publication Jesus – Social Revolutionary?

 Community and Inclusion

Jesus came to bring “Good News to the Poor”. The sick experienced the God of compassion in Jesus’ healing; the unwanted experienced the acceptance of God in Jesus’ friendship; sinners experienced the unconditional forgiveness of God in Jesus’ table fellowship. The poor today need to experience the God of compassion in the caring and sharing of the Christian community. Celebrating the Eucharist expresses the community’s commitment to following Jesus in his total self-giving.

Date of event Friday 15th June
