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Church Organisations

General What they do
Act to Prevent Trafficking A faith-based group working to address the global problem of Trafficking in Persons (TIP). It is particularly concerned with the trade in persons for commercial sexual exploitation.
Church Resources.ie Aims to combine the purchasing power of church organisations, including parishes, schools, religious orders, care facilities, ministries and Church-related groups, to achieve finiancial savings on their everyday purchases and in this way to finance their ministry activity.
Church Services.tv Provides live video streaming from churches, cathedrals and religious houses via the Internet.
CORI – Conference of Religious of Ireland An association of the religious female and male of Ireland to foster effectiveness in their apostolates and tp promote official representation with civil government and bishops.
Council of Management of Catholic Secondary Schools Represents the interests of Catholic secondary schools in the Republic of Ireland and is the main decision-making and negotiating body for their management authorities.
Cumann na Sagart Is é aidhm an chumainn ná dúchas creidimh na tíre a chothú tacaíocht a thabhairt do shagairt a bhfuil an Ghaeilge in úsáid acu (The aim of the society is to foster the faith-heritage of Ireland and to support priests and other ministers who speak Irish and use it in their ministry).
Cúnamh (formerly Catholic Protection and Rescue Society of Ireland) A registered adoption agency providing pre- and post-natal counselling for pregnant girls, their partners and families; short-term foster-care and adoption. It also provides support and advice for adoptive parents and an information and trace service for adult adoptees and birthparents.
CURA Pregnancy Counselling Service An agency of the Catholic Church established in 1977 as a caring service for those whose pregnancy is or has become a crisis.
Human Life International (Ireland) A prayer based Catholic charity focussing on education and information on pro-life, pro-family issues according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
Pontifical Mission Societies Promotes and stimulates interest in missions at every level through through four branches – the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Society of St Peter the Apostle, the Society of Missionary Children Children, and the Missionary Union of Priests and Religious.
Volunteer Organisations What they do
Agapé Adventures An Irish non-denominational Christian organisation providing career breaks, gap years and short term programmes around the world, helping to support a wide range of Christian ministries and environmental projects.
CGI is a voluntary nationwide association open to all girls and women. It provides a challenging Guiding programme within a safe environment, to enable its members to develop their full potential.
Communion and Liberation An international ecclesial movement aiming to promote the good news of the incarnation of Jesus Christ and to educate its members in promoting the mission of the Church in all spheres of contemporary life.
L’Arche Ireland Serving people with an intellectual disabilities.
Open Heart House A drop in centre for people infected with HIV and AIDS
Order of Malta Ambulance Corps Provides training and services in first aid and ambulance.
Simon Community Combating homelessness in Dublin.
Magis Ireland (Jesuit Young Adult Ministry – formerly Slí-Eile) Volunteer Communities A Jesuit initiative to accompany and empower young adults in their search to find ‘God in all things’ and to engage them around the core values of Ignatian spirituality, community and social justice.
Society of Vincent de Paul An action oriented programme, working directly with people in need.
Voluntary group that sends men & women abroad to work in developing countries.
An Irish lay organisation founded in 1895 with branches in every diocese in Ireland. Its members promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life and assist some students financially, at home and abroad.
Founded in 1999, the Latin Mass Society exists to promote the Traditional Latin Mass and its associated rites both in practice and in Church law, as one of the forms of Eucharistic celebration which are honoured in universal liturgical life.
A parish-based ministry for young adults offering opportunities for faith formation, friendship, and social outreach. Inspired by the words of the prophet Micah, our international community strives to “act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8) Linked to and supported by the Vincentian Parish, St. Peter’s in Phibsboro, Dublin 7.
A voluntary Catholic lay missionary association that recruits, prepares and facilitates the placement of people who wish to work overseas, for one year or more, in areas of need such as Africa, south America, Asia and parts of Canada, USA and Europe. Viatores Christi offers a 6-month part-time preparation programme.
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Prayer and Evangelisation Groups What they do
The 10-week Alpha Course explores the basic doctrines of the Christian faith and how to live the Christian life.
Apostoleship of prayer Daily prayer for the Pope’s intentions
Charismatic Renewal Movement Fosters spiritual renewal under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Christian Life Communities Lay people in small groups sharing Ignatian/Jesuit spirituality
Communion and Liberation Call to holiness through good works and gospel proclamation
Cursillo a community based in Derry City
Emmaus Community An interdenominational, charismatic community of young people in Ireland
Evangelical Catholic Initiative Born again Catholics
Legion of Mary Prayer and good works groups
Prayer group of young people: Dublin
Prayer groups which help members find God in daily life.
A lay group attracted to live the spirit of the Carmelite order.
An Irish Jesuit initiative for 18-35 yr olds.
Organising retreats for young people
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Professional and Social Support Groups What they do
Aid to the Church in Need Support the Church pastorally, especially where it is persecuted
Accord Marriage preparation courses & marriage support
Apostleship of the Sea Support for seafarers
Catholic Youth Care – Dublin Youth work in the Dublin Archdiocese
Concern Worldwide An international humanitarian organisation trying to reduce suffering and end poverty.
Irish Pilgrimage Trust (IHCPT) Pilgrimages to Lourdes and summer events for young people
Knights of St Columbanus Lay men’s social and charitable group
Order of Malta Religious Order, established to serve Our Lord’s the Sick and Our Lord’s the Poor.
Pioneer Total Abstinence Association Promoting temperance and sobriety.
Retrouvaille A programme offering help to those who are experiencing the pain of a marriage in trouble.
The official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland


Educational Organisations What they do
CEIST Catholic Education – an Irish Schools Trust. CEIST is a trustee body for the voluntary secondary schools of the Daughters of Charity, the Presentation Sisters, the Sisters of the Christian Retreat, the Sisters of Mercy and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.
Catholic Primary School Managers Association Represents the boards of management of Catholic primary schools.
School Chaplains’ Association of Ireland Provides support and represents all the interests of School Chaplains.


Further Educational Organisations What they do
All Hallows College, Dublin Prepares students for priestly ministry and lay people for missionand ministry. Distance learning.
Divine Word Missionaries, Maynooth Specialising in English language courses for religious priests, sisters, brothers and seminarians from overseas, as well as other students over the age of twenty one.
Central Catholic Library Nationally important collection of over 90,000 books with reference, research and lending departments.
Irish School Of Ecumenics Interdenominational centre for research and teaching.
Irish Theological Association Promoting theological studies through conferences, meetings and exchange of ideas.
Mater Dei Institute of Education A College of Dublin City University. The Institute was established in 1966 and has as its patron the Archbishop of Dublin
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth Pontifical University, National Seminary
Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy University college, specialising in theology and philosophy.
St Angela’s College, Sligo Founded in 1952 by the Ursuline Congregation, a College of the National University of Ireland, Galway, providing under- and post-graduate courses in a variety of areas including Religious Education, Theology and Chaplaincy Studies.
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Magazines, Media, Publishers and Booksellers What they do
Alive! A free Irish Catholic monthly newspaper with news, features, and comment.
AMDG A Jesuit publication about Jesuits and social issues.
Africa Missionary magazine of St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan, focusing mostly on Africa
Spirit Radio A not-for-profit organisation working alongside Churches to bring the good news across the nation especially through playing contemporary Christian music.
Religious News Network Provides live and recorded news, reaction stories and features on christian faith, community and social justice issues.
Face Up Religious magazine for teenagers and young adults.
Far East – St. Columban’s Navan Missionary magazine of the Columban Missionary Society focusing on Asia.
Healing and Development – MMM Communications Missionary magazine of the Medical Missionaries of Mary.
Intercom Magazine for clergy and Church workers in Ireland devoted mainly to communications.
The Irish Catholic an Irish Catholic newspaper
Messenger Monthly religious and social magazine
Mission Outlook Missionary magazine.
Pioneer Magazine of Pioneers of total abstinence from alcohol.
Reality – Redemptorist Publications
Salesian Bulletin Salesian magazine
Spirituality – Dominican Publications Monthly magazine for those interested in spirituality.
The Word The Word magazine on-line.
Veritas Ireland’s leading Catholic publisher / book seller
Christian Media Trust An interdenominational Christian Church broadcasting body based in County Wexford.
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Age Action Ireland
30 L.ower Camden Street, Dublin 2, Tel: 01-4756989
Email: info@ageaction.ie
Website: www.ageaction.ie
A national network: of ageing and older people offering individual, statutory, voluntary and corporate membership, Age Action promotes better policies and services in an ageing society. Its main aim is to improve the quality of life of older people, especially if disadvantaged and vulnerable. The organization offers an information service, a library devoted to ageing issues, caring, advice, support and training, co-operative learning, research and development.

Age & Opportunity
Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.
Tel: 01-8057709
Email: ageandop@mie.ie
Website:  www.olderinireland.ie
This is a national agency working to challenge negative attitudes to ageing and to promote greater participation by older people in society. Age & Opportunity founded and supports Bealtaine, the national arts festival celebrating creativity in older age; Go for Life, the national programme for older physical activity; and Age Wise, free age-equality training for companies.

Alzheimer Society of Ireland
43 Northumberland Avenue,
Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.
National Helpline: 1800341341
Email: info@alzheimer.ie
Website: www.a1zheimer.ie
A national voluntary organization providing a range of services and supports to people with dementia, their family and carers.

2nd Floor, 83 Main Street,
Ranelagh, Dublin 6.
Tel: 01-4068220
Email: mail@aontas.com
Website: www.aontas.com
The National Association of Adult Education promotes lifelong learning which is ideally accessible to all, and provides information to callers on a huge range of learning opportunities.

Energy Action
IDA Unit 14, Newmarket, Dublin 8.
Tel: 01-4545464
Email: info@energyaction.ie
Website: www.energyaction.ie
This Dublin charity provides home insulation free of charge to older householders in receipt of state pension in rented or privately owned accommodation, as well as home security devices in the homes of such people living alone.

Equality Authority
2 Clonmel Street, Dublin 2.
LoCall Line: 1890245545
Email: info@equality.ie
Website: www.equality.ie
This independent body works to eliminate discrimination on nine grounds, including age. The Authority gives advice on legislation and refers complaints to the Director of Equality Investigation.

Federation of Active Retirement Associations
59 Dame Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-6792412
Email: fara@eircom.net
Website: www.fara.ie
The umbrella group for local active retirement assocations now lists over 300 associations, representing over 20,000 people. This is the organization to contact about an active retirement association in your area, or to get advice and support on setting one up.

Forum of People with Disabilities
21 Hill Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-8786077
Email: inforum@indigo.ie
Website: www.inforum.ie
Ireland’s only organization wholly run by people with disabilities, it is rights-based, promoting civil rights among members and for all.

Friends of the Elderly
25 Bolton Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-8731855
Email: friendsoftheelderly.ie
Website: www.friendsoftheelderly.ie
This organization combats loneliness in older people by providing friendship, social contact and community activities. Services include home and hospital visits, transport, home improvements, events, holidays and outings.

Health Services Executive
Head Office, Oak House, Limetree Avenue, Millennium Park,
Naas, Co Kildare.
Tel: 045-800400
Email: info@hse.ie
Website: www.hse.ie
This national body replaced local health boards in 2005. All local health boards are affiliated to the HSE. Local services are delivered through your regional HSE and your community health centre.

Irish Assocation of Older People
Room 815, OCD, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-4750071
Email: iaop@oceanfree.net
This organization acts as the direct voice of older people, representing their interests, campaigning on their behalf and promoting independence, dignity and purpose.

Irish Hospice Foundation
Morrison Chambers,
32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-6793188
Email: info@hospice-foundation.ie
Website: www.hospice-foundation.ie
This voluntary organisation promotes the provision of hospice services in Ireland and supports the voluntary hospice movement.

Irish Wheelchair Association
Blackheath Drive, Dublio. 3.
Tel: 01-8186400
Email: info@iwa.ie
Website: www.iwa.ie
This national organisation provides programmes for wheelchair users and others, including personal assistance training, disability driving assessment/ tuition, peer counselling, holidays, wheelchair sales/repair and advocacy.

Mental Health Ireland
6 Adelaide Street,
Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.
Tel: 01-2841166
Email: info@mentalhealthireland.ie
This organization promotes positive mental health, and supports people with a mental illness, their families and carers.

National Council on Ageing and Older People
22 Clanwilliam Square,
Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-6766484
Email: info@ncaop.ie
Website: www.ncaop.ie
This body has developed a deep understanding of ageing and Ireland’s older population. It advises relevant Governement Departments regarding its findings.

National Federation of  Pensioners Associations
c/o Irish Congress of Trade Unions,
31 Parnell Square, Dublin 1.
Tel: 01-8897777
Email: congress@ictu.ie
Website: www.ictuoie
This national umbrella organization promotes the interests of pensioners and advocates on their behalf.

National Widows Association of Ireland
29 Gardiner Place,
Dublin 1.
Tel: 01-8728814
Email: natwid@eircom.net
Website: www.nawi.ie
This long-established association helps widows readjust to their new role through legal and financial advice and counselling.

Recovery Incorporated
Cherry Orchard Hospital, Dublin 10.
Tel: 01-6260775
This community-help organization offers a method for controlling unhelpful behaviour and changing attitudes towards nervous symptoms through a training and leadership programme.

Retirement Planning Council of Ireland
27 Lower Pembroke Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-6613139
Email: info@rpc.ie
Website: www.rpc.ie
This national organization runs pre-retirement and life-planning courses and talks, in companies or at their own headquarters.

Senior Help Line
Third Age Centre,
Summerhill, Co. Meath.
Tel: 1850440444
Email: info@thirdage-ireland.com
This national telephone helpline is run for older people by older people. Ring them for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland.

Volunteering Ireland
Coleraine House,
Coleraine Street, Dublin 7.
Tel: 01-8722622
Email: info@volunteeringireland.com
Website: www.volunteeringireland.com
This national resource promotes volunteering through advice, support, training, consultancy and information. A placement service matches volunteers and organizations in Dublin.