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HSE awards €800,000 contract to set up post-abortion phone helpline

28 September, 2018

The HSE is more than willing to spend €800,000 of Irish taxpayer’s money on post-abortion phone services, knowing that Ireland’s new abortion regime will seriously hurt and damage countless women. Yet, they will not give a penny to crisis pregnancy support services which would give women the help and support they need before they resort to abortions, inflicting long term emotional, psychological and physical health problems because they felt as though there was ‘no other choice.’

The contract for the service, worth €820,000, was first put out to tender in June of this year.

One Family, the company that has won the contract, is a registered charity specialising in counselling services. It’s not yet known what name the service will be promoted under.

The service itself will operate for 20 hours a week for three years, with a review planned after 12 months to gauge its success. The primary objective of the service “is to provide a national telephone/online counselling service to individuals affected by a crisis pregnancy and to provide post abortion support” according to the original tender.

Source: Precious Life

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