By editor - 08 July, 2015
Presentation of the Pro-Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross to Professor John Monaghan.
Picture by Shane O’Neill / Copyright Fennell Photography 2015.
The highest papal honour that can be bestowed on a layperson, the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice cross, has been awarded to Professor John Monaghan for his contribution to the work of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) in Ireland.
It also recognises his role in the development of the SVP’s voice in promoting social justice issues in Ireland.
The presentation of the award was made at a special Mass at the SVP national office in Dublin last week by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin.
John Monaghan has recently stepped down as a long serving vice president and board member (1996-2014) of the SVP.
He has been a dedicated Vincentian in his work as an SVP Conference member in Leixlip, Co Kildare and also as vice president for Social Justice.
John Monaghan developed and led the SVP’s National Social Justice and Policy Committee from the late 1990s to 2012.
He grew the staff team which enabled the Society to carry out its policy development and advocacy work among Government, media and wider civil society.
Responding to the award, SVP National President Geoff Meagher said, “The SVP is indebted to John not alone for being the public face of the Society and his work for social justice for very many years but also for his guidance, wisdom and hard work as a volunteer and member of the National Board. We are delighted that he continues his work with the Society in a training capacity.”
John-Mark McCafferty, SVP Head of Social justice and Policy commented, “We are very pleased that his great work for social justice in Ireland, on behalf of some of the most vulnerable and marginalised in Irish Society, has been acknowledged by the Church.
“His call for a fairer society for all has always been predicated on his own experiences in his early years in Drimnagh, Dublin and on his Conference work, visiting families and people in their homes and assisting with human contact and financial support.”
The Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, also known as the ‘Cross of Honour’ was established by Leo XIII in 1888. It is currently given for distinguished service to the church by lay people and clergy.