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Gibraltar to vote on abortion this month

By Katie Ascough - 06 March, 2020

On 19 March the people of Gibraltar will be voting on whether to introduce UK-style abortion. According to a recent opinion poll commissioned by the Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), just over 70 per cent of people will vote ‘Yes’, almost 19 per cent will vote ‘No’, about 8 per cent are undecided, and about 3 per cent say they will not vote.

James Brenig, a spokesperson for the Gibraltar Pro-Life Movement, responded to the poll: “The ‘Yes’ vote has decreased by 7 per cent and the ‘No’ vote and ‘Don’t Know’ vote have marginally increased since the last opinion poll. This shows that the message about the humanity of the unborn baby and the need for support for women and families in Gibraltar is gradually getting through …

“It is not clear whether those who were polled are aware that termination of pregnancy already happens in Gibraltar where a woman’s life is at risk. Nor is it clear that they were aware of how extreme the law is. Ann Furedi, the CEO of BPAS, Britain’s largest abortion provider (in reference to the British law which is similar to the proposed Act here) said: ‘Despite being one of the most restrictive laws in the developed world on paper, it is one of the most liberal in the way it can be interpreted. Although the Act does not formally allow abortion on request, that is close to what it allows in practice.’

“We in the pro-life movement will remain steadfast in our commitment to informing voters between now and 19 March. We are confident that on 19 March, when considering what kind of future they want for Gibraltar, voters will consider the unborn baby and mothers and vote ‘NO’,” Mr Brenig concluded.

To support the pro-life movement in Gibraltar, you can visit their website or follow them on Facebook. They are against strong opposition from Gibraltar for Yes, whose campaign bears significant resemblance to the Together for Yes campaign from the abortion referendum in Ireland.

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