By Cian Molloy - 17 June, 2019
Archbishop Eamon Martin
Eucharistic adoration is set to take on a new significance in Ireland as more and more parishes have to do without regular Mass services, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh said this weekend.
Speaking at a Mass in Knock, held as part of the Adoremus Conference organised by members of the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration, the Archbishop thanked the apostolate’s members for “forming a nucleus of people in many parishes who regularly adore Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament”.
He told them that they were in good company in Knock. “When Mary, our Blessed Mother, appeared here 140 years ago, she did so as an adorer herself. Throughout the apparition she remained wrapped in silent contemplation before the Lamb of God on the altar glorified, and in the presence of the angels and saints.
“I am especially pleased that some of you are already gently introducing many children around the country to Eucharistic adoration so that they can enter into the joy and mystery of spending time with Jesus whom they receive in Holy Communion.
“These days, with the decline in religious practice, the reduction in the number of priestly vocations and the corresponding decline in the number of Masses, your apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration is taking on a new significance in Ireland,” said Archbishop Martin.
“In the future when weekday and even Sunday Mass is not available, some of you might be formed to lead a period of guided adoration with prayers, praise and sharing of the Word of God.”
The Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration is an association of adorers of the Blessed Sacrament, organised, maintained and developed by lay people. Its mission is to assist parishes and dioceses to establish, maintain and develop viable weekly Eucharistic adoration for the upbuilding and renewal of parish.
The motto of the apostolate is “To Jesus through Mary”. Archbishop Martin reminded its members gathered in Knock: “You are like Mary, who loved to contemplate the face of Jesus. You are like the beloved disciple. John, who also appeared at Knock, who at the Last Supper laid his head close to the breast of Jesus, hearing the beat of that Sacred Heart, soon to be pierced through for our sakes on the hill of Calvary.
“In adoration you draw life from the Eucharist, knowing that in the tabernacles of Ireland, the reserved Sacrament remains as a beating heart, burning with love for us.”