One hundred years ago, on 10 October 1916, the Bishops of Ireland gave their blessing to a new venture known as the Maynooth Mission to China. It became known as the Society of St Columban on 29 June 1918.
Speakers at a conference organised by Cleraun Study Centre will include Carol Leonnig, who won a public service Pulitzer Prize in 2014 as a member of a team that released the ‘Snowden Papers’.
Seventeen new cardinals, six of whom belong to dioceses that have never had cardinals before, will receive their red hats on 19 November.
“I have a message for Catholics: I will be there for you,” says US presidential candidate, Donald Trump.
Speaking at a special bicentennial Mass to celebrate the 200th anniversary of education by Christian Brothers in Thurles, Dr O’Reilly told students that “we can all be the best at what we do in so many different ways.”
Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said: “The poll clearly shows that 73% of respondents do not want unrestricted access to abortion in Ireland, along the lines of what the ‘Repeal’ campaign is looking for.”
“Catholics and Anglicans will work together to give voice to our common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,” say Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, in Common Declaration.
Comboni missionary in Dublin, Fr Reuben Padilla Rocha, “disappointed but not surprised.”
Irish bishops appeal to Catholics to pray for protection of human life from conception till death and call on government to “prioritise the needs of low income families, and target resources towards social housing and the homeless” in budget 2017.
Former RTE special correspondent will speak in Kerry about his experience of visiting missionary projects in the Philippines and Korea.
Monsignor Joseph McGuinness has been appointed as Diocesan Administrator of the Diocese of Clogher, and will take up his new position immediately.
Independent religious publisher of a number of popular titles entered liquidation in May and its assets were bought out by Grace Communications, which also owns the Irish Catholic newspaper.
“When you serve the poor, help the suffering or those in need, God will find you,” Fr Peter McVerry tells Transition Year students in County Tipperary.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin warns representatives of the legal establishment: “A political or judicial system which betrays or undervalues the equality and the dignity of all, betrays its calling and betrays humanity.”
In canonising Louis and Zelie Martin together during the Synod on the Family, Pope Francis was sending a clear message that as husband and wife, mother and father, they lived a life of supreme holiness: Archbishop Martin.
Pope Francis faced a near empty stadium for a Papal Mass in Georgia after the Orthodox Church asked its adherents to stay away.
Bishop MacDaid had bravely tried to continue to the best of his abilities with his mission, but deteriorating condition means his episcopal responsibilities were affecting his health.
The borough councils of Inverclyde and East Renfrewshire are considering asking parents to prove that their children are baptised Catholics as a method of enrolment to two oversubscribed Catholic denominational schools.
The Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin, uses his ‘Day for Life’ message as a rallying call to all who support the pro-life movement and agenda.
New general superior will be the 30th since the Society’s foundation in September 1540 by St Ignatius of Loyola.
"It is critically important to etch out and plan for a time together so as to appreciate each other's company," advises Accord marriage counsellor.
Historic appointment in Belfast cathedral strengthens the common mission to "witness to Christ and promote reconciliation, peace and unity."
Archbishop Diarmiud Martin pays tribute to Fr Derek Farrell as “a true friend of the Travelling People” who did not seek any great publicity for himself but placed his talents fully at the service of the Travellers and their place in society.
For the first time Ireland hosts meeting of national directors of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).
Organised by the Society of Missionary Children, this year's event takes place on 14 October at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo.
"There wasn’t a whole lot happening in Cork (in youth work) and now we are seeing something really good" - Fr Alan Neville MSC.
“I have always maintained that the Catholic Church must fully accept its responsibilities to those who have suffered abuse."
Papal appeal for peace in Syria as military announces “concentrated air strikes” in Aleppo and nearby areas, targeting insurgent-held areas in the surrounding countryside.
“The demand for Catholic schools is strong. The demand for other forms of patronage is growing. The process of diversification is still too slow.”
Survey reveals that one third (34%) of charities have reported a drop in income, while more than two thirds (71%) have seen an increase in demand for services.