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Welcome home! Brendan Kelly installed as Bishop of Galway

The Bishop could never imagine, as a child collecting funds for the building of the cathedral, “a day like this, presiding here ... at this great banquet of life and joy and welcome”.


Jesus fulfils the norms but he also does things that shock, says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin

We invoke the healing power of Jesus on the sick among us, remembering in our prayers all those who suffer sickness or anguish or addiction or pain or isolation and loneliness.


Santa Marta Group and the fight against human trafficking

Always remember the victim at the centre of this evil crime; the enslaved person who demands our action in combating trafficking - Cardinal Nichols


Promoting the Christian Heritage of Europe

The European Year of Cultural Heritage will only be a success if we use this opportunity as an invitation to share and cherish a common past.


Ending asylum seekers’ work ban is welcome, but few will benefit, says Bishop of Elphin

The government's minimalist response to the Supreme Court judgement, does not reflect the equality of dignity or the compassion that is so often promoted as a core value of Irish society.


Exhibition on life and legacy of Cardinal Manning

Cardinal Manning was a great champion of the poor, the dignity and rights of workers, education and family life. He made a lasting contribution he made to the development of Catholic social teaching.


GP abortion survey is fake news

Journal.ie and Irish Times withdraw story from websites on "unscientific" and "self-selecting" poll of alleged Irish GPs for Irish Medical Times.


Pope Benedict XVI is on a “pilgrimage towards home”

“It is a great grace for me to be surrounded in this last, sometimes a little tiring, piece of road, by such love and goodness that I could not have imagined,” Pope Benedict


Readers in Church are really important, says Liturgy expert

Papal catechesis highlights deficiencies and need for preparation, as 'God speaks through Scriptures'.


ALONE marks forty years serving older people

"I don’t think that people are aware of just how devastating loneliness can be for your general health,” says CEO ALONE, Sean Moynihan.


Broadcasting Authority of Ireland rejects 28 complaints

Of all the 33 complaints five were upheld. Just over one third of the 28 rejected complaints were about religion, blasphemy and pro-life.


PLC denied opportunity to join Supreme Court case on the ‘unborn’

“We accept the Court’s decision but consider that it may be deprived of an important perspective as a result.


Nuncio offers support to ‘shaken’ Irish church ahead of World Meeting of Families

The Nuncio urged the Religious to be prophetic voices in spite of the great challenges that exist in the world of today.


Paul VI to be made a saint following approval of miracle

The miracle relates to the healing of a baby in the womb whose life, and that of her mother's, were under threat.


Pope was informed about Chilean bishop in 2015

A photograph shows Marie Collins handing a letter written to the Pope by Juan Carlos Cruz, detailing Karadima's abuse and Barros' role, to Cardinal Sean O'Malley.


Church leaders oppose unrestricted access to abortion

Repealing the eighth amendment and introducing a liberal abortion regime will result in terminations not just up to 12 weeks but in some cases right up to the point of birth - Bishop Leahy.


Catholic schools succeed beause they are catholic, says Bishop of Killaloe

The Catholic education system has been so successful because it is catholic in the true sense of the word ... It is inclusive, outward looking and thoroughly excited to share the Good News with all and sundry.


It’s time for lay leadership in Limerick, says Bishop Leahy

The declining numbers of available clergy and religious lend a sense of urgency to this development.


Oh là là! Cashless church plate collections in Paris

The premise is simple: an entire generation is using cash less and less. It is important that the Church is part of what is already a revolution.


Conscientious objection rights for medical professionals to be protected

There is a pressing need for statutory conscience rights which actually protect those who need protection. The current law fails to do this, so this Bill is a necessary


Pope Francis: Say “No” to Corruption

This is corruption: not earning our daily bread with dignity” - Pope Francis


Newman University 50th anniversary celebrations

Newman University became one of the first Catholic universities in Britain since the Reformation when its full status was granted in 2013


Ears wide open – Killala begins listening process

'Very engaged', 'occasionally engaged' and people 'not engaged in Church at all' are invited to be part of the dialogue, says Moderator, Fr Brendan Hoban.


Tánaiste confused about what repeal means for rights of unborn

This referendum, if passed, strips away the constitutional right to life of the unborn," says Save the 8th.


Momentum gathers to combat plastic pollution

Let's cut down on waste says Eco Congregations Ireland.


Women’s evidence convicts their traffickers

Caritas Bakhita House provides women escaping modern slavery and human trafficking with safety. In 2016 some 50 people availed of its services.


Priest calls for peacemakers amidst gang violence

“This reign of violence and total disrespect for human life carried out by people who have become soulless is frightening and leaves us all vulnerable,” said Fr Michael Casey at the funeral of the late Derek Hutch


St Brigid still challenges

During our pilgrimage we will be blessed by water from St. Brigid’s well, mindfully weave a St Brigid’s cross, walk in pilgrimage by candlelight and reflect on some of the legends of St. Brigid and how they can speak to us today


Marie Collins welcomes Pope’s decision to investigate Chilean bishop

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has been tasked with examining new information in the case of Bishop Juan Barros who has been accused by victims of Fr Fernando Karadima of covering up the priest's sexual abuse.


Pro life dismay at Cabinet backing for repeal of Eighth Amendment

“In the coming weeks, it will become clear that the government’s proposal would lead to abortion on demand if voted for in the referendum” – Dr Ruth Cullen.

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