Bishop Nulty asked Liam Lawton to co-ordinate a virtual performance because choirs were not able to come together to sing due to COVID-19 restrictions. They want the song to give people hope during these difficult times of pandemic.
Before the repeal of the Eighth Amendment there had been assurances that abortion would be a rare occurrence and only when necessary.
2019 was the year in which the number of registered charities passed ten thousand. Over half (53 per cent) of them, are in the ‘benefit to the community’ category and the next biggest grouping is ‘advancement of education’ while relief of poverty or economic hardship makes up 8.7 per cent.
Over the six days of Clogher’s virtual pilgrimage a dedicated website was accessed nearly 12,000 times and attracted participants from places as diverse as Australia, the USA, Kuwait and Trinidad & Tobago.
“To insist on debt repayment in the face of the suffering caused by this pandemic would be an affront to the faith traditions that we represent. There is an overarching moral case for debt relief in many faiths,” state the bishops and religious leaders in the UK.
“We must be under no illusions – sex trafficking is happening in every city, town and village across the country, and it is overwhelmingly women and girls who are sacrificed to fill the demand for sexual gratification from so-called ‘sex buyers’,” said Ruhama CEO Barbara Condon.
Bishop Donal McKeown hits out at groups in society and in the Church promoting a narrative that a 'fear agenda' is being promoted by the establishment to fool and control people.
Under Charlton's leadership 'Irish soccer fans were allowed to dream', said President Michael D. Higgens.
The World Food Programme says that COVID fall-out threatens famines of ‘biblical proportions’, with an additional 265 million people possibly facing starvation by the end of 2020.
All Vincent's stores in the republic now open at 10.30am, to help staff and volunteers get themselves, the shop premises and the stock 'COVID containment' ready.
"Human rights must be respected in such a time," Fr Paul Daisuke Narui SVD.
“The persistent discrimination, persecution or even mass killings of religious and ethnic minorities makes protecting and promoting this freedom inside and outside the EU all the more essential,” said EPP Group chair Manfred Weber and vice-chair Jan Olbrycht.
“Africa cannot afford to allow itself yet another region under terrorist rule,” said Erminia Notarangelo, EEAS head.
“We have bonded more in this time and the opportunity to reflect more on Scripture has led me to see things I’ve never seen before, despite having read the words many times in the past. It’s just a different way of seeing things."
"I wish to remind all parishioners that the Sunday and Holy Day obligations are dispensed with for the time being,” said Bishop Cullinane of Waterford, urging caution among the faithful.
"We should all be grateful to Ennio Morricone, believers and non-believers alike, but above all the believers to whom he belonged, for having been able to express the ineffable and the invisible at the same time, which are the soul of religion,” said Cardinal Ravasi.
Bishop Kevin Doran pays tribute to an Garda Siochána at a service to mark the events of 7 July 1980 in Loughglynn, when Garda Henry Byrne and Detective Garda John Morley died in the line of duty.
Those on the Front Line should never be forgotten nor should those who died “painfully and horribly” from Covid-19 or those who mourn them and those who mourn others who have died in these slow months - Archbishop Michael Jackson.
The bishop said he was unclear whether parishes can actually have the baptism before the party. He went on to explain that he is not sure whether the legal restrictions have changed or if further clarification is forthcoming.
“Global solidarity has never been needed more, so we were strongly encouraged by the Programme for Government’s commitment to protecting Ireland’s overseas aid budget," said Caoimhe de Barra, CEO, Trócaire.
The UN Security Council adopted a resolution last Thursday demanding a general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations in order to provide aid to countries to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic.
Thanks to a 'Herculean effort' by parishes, we are ready now to resume the sacramental life of the church, said Archbishop Micheael Neary.
Insist that Black Lives Matter and view the task before us through the pro-life lens of our Christian belief, rather than the more secular Marxist-inspired class-struggle lens that some would propose and which sometimes gets disproportionate coverage in the news, says Bishop in Southern State of the USA.
"Parishes will work diligently to observe the new norms to ensure people can attend Mass safely," said Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
We take this opportunity to invite all those affected by abortion - women and men - to avail of spiritual, sacramental and pastoral support, and we assure them that they will be welcomed without judgement and helped to find healing and peace – Council for Life.
“My brother and I were both altar boys, we both served Mass. It was soon clear to us, first to me and then to him, that our life would be at the service of the Church” – Msgr Georg Ratzinger
“It would leave the UK with the most extreme abortion legislation in Europe, where in nearly all countries the time limit for abortion is 12 weeks. The majority of our fellow citizens would like to see the current 24-week limit reduced, not increased,” said Bishop John Sherrington.
“Community is built by good relationships and by emphasising our long, shared history rather than our more recent divided past" - Bishop Donal McKeown.
The mother of the young man who died tragically urged everyone at home with children to: “embrace them and cherish them, for every moment with them is precious.”
‘Youth Affairs’ should not be omitted from either the name or responsibilities of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs says CEO of Cloyne Diocesan Youth and Community Services.