As eyes turn to what happens next, pro-life campaigners are energetic about the future and refusing to concede this result as the end of the story, says Ciara Ferry in her post-referendum report.
"As Church we will continue to explore effective ways to support women and their unborn children, families in difficulty and women who have had an abortion” - Bishop Kevin Doran.
WMOF is the contemporary version of going on pilgrimage. In the act of going, you open yourself up to encounter with God, and that is what an indulgence is recognising, says Chair of Irish Theological Association.
Religious life under the Cistercian rule continues at Buckfast Abbey under the motto ora et labora or pray and labour.
Author John Waters addresses symposium for Ecumenical Bible Week in Dublin.
“No” campaigners appeal to undecided voters torn over hard cases to demand laws reflecting their views and reject abortion on request.
Two dozen writers from around the world were invited to visit the West Bank and Gaza and to share what they saw with the world. The resulting book is a collection of testimonies of the human consequences of an occupation.
Sr Bernadette Purcell, who is a full-time chaplain at the college where the young woman studied, said that Jastine Valdez was seeking to improve her prospects by studying accountancy and was a very diligent student and gentle person.
“There are no quick fixes,” but the accord “gave us the opportunity – the breathing space – to look for goodwill”: Archbishop Richard Clarke.
“The Church is feminine” and “she is a mother” Pope Francis tells congregation attending Mass at Casa Santa Marta on 21 May.
"Bishop Christy discharged his ministry at a time of seismic and rapid change both in civil society and in the church family."
“We wanted to modernise the interior but also ensure preservation of all the beautiful historic features. People won’t see a drastic change but we hope that they will be very happy with the new look” - Fr Richard Gibbons.
Voting No is an expression of real compassion, both for women and for their unborn babies.
You can help prevent someone with enormous potential from dropping out of college just because they can’t afford the day-to-day expenses of student life.
Bishop Christopher Jones of Elphin worked tirelessly in the service of God and of the people of God in his diocese and further afield.
Ciara Ferry reports on this last Sunday before the referendum.
Homeless clients “very excited” and can’t believe pontiff is coming to visit them, says Brother Kevin Crowley.
“The pilgrimage will be a witness to hope and will enable us to forge even greater friendships and work yet harder for peace together in the future.”
Appeal to public on World Bee Day to provide food, shelter and safety for bees.
“In future it is possible that small minority parties of a coalition government could demand that abortion legislation be extended as part of a programme for government,” says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
Archbishop Neary highlighted Tom Murphy’s contribution to the work of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy, while Michael D. Higgins said the playwright's themes “were universal in their reach”.
“I would hope to pick up and continue on with the good work that has already been begun by our past Presidents,” Matt Boylan said. “We have to accept and move along with the changes that are taking place in our Association.”
Organisers of the annual National Holy Wells Day (NHWD) invite people to visit their local holy well and pray there for the protection and fair distribution of water.
Former Taoiseach, John Bruton, has once again urged people to vote No in the referendum.
"True diversity must include the catholic religion," Leo Varadkar stresses as he pays tribute to religious congregations' contribution to education and healthcare.
According to Dr Mary Holohan the “medical needs of the mother do not require removal of the Eighth Amendment” but “there appears to be a campaign strategy to create a contrary impression."
“Pray that Ireland will continue to earnestly support and care for the right to life of the unborn child.”
An escaped slave, Fr Augustus Tolton become America’s first black diocesan priest in 1886 thanks to the help of an Irish Augustinian, Fr Peter McGirr from Co. Tyrone.
There is a challenge to ensure that Christ’s message continues to be communicated in a rapidly developing media age, where “fake news” can seem plausible.
Ciara Ferry sums up the referendum debate that has taken place over the past week, when obstetricians on both sides of the debate spoke out.