Priest thanked Emma for the hope she expressed: “that people are good and have a capacity to learn from mistakes and that what happened to you should not happen to any other woman in our land.”
Sr Nora McNamara and Professor Stephen Morse have produced a book “about advocacy and food security and minding our planet. We are telling that story through the yam, which was an endangered crop”.
Bishop Phonsie Cullinan warns that Reiki can be a channel for evil spirits and announces the setting up of a deliverance team in his diocese.
“Today was a step in the right direction, but we have a long way to go” – SVP.
PP of the Church of the Annunciation says the parish is undergoing change. “We have challenges to face, decisions to make and new paths to find.”
Pakistani Christian mother has been locked up in solitary confinement since 2010 after she was condemned to death under the country’s draconian blasphemy laws.
The Church of the Annunciation, one of Ireland's largest church buildings, capable of holding more than 3,000 people, is now falling into disrepair. It will be replaced by a new 350-seat church more suited to the needs of the parish today.
“Our Lady loves the prayer of the Rosary. She wants to hear and grant our petitions and requests.” – Archbishop Eamon Martin
People are facing severe shortages of clean drinking water, food and medical assistance. The disaster zone has a population of 1.4 million people, with around 70,000 already gathered in crowded evacuation sites.
A sung Mass has the potential to reach many people outside the circle of concert music – but it is not entertainment because the Mass itself is not.
Church gains its own parish priest after nearly 150 years.
“This legislation requires a healthcare professional to cooperate in what he or she sincerely believes is doing harm to one patient and taking the life of another.”
Ask the Holy Mother of God and St Michael Archangel to protect the Church from the devil, who always seeks to separate us from God and from each other, says Pope Francis.
National Vocations Office marks its first anniversary with a national ‘Come and See’ vocations retreat on 23 and 24 November.
Referring to the referendum to remove the offence of blasphemy from the Constitution of Ireland, the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference stated that the law is "largely obsolete”, but that the promotion of freedom of religion and conscience greatly enriches the social fabric of a country.
Change and uncertainty should not cause Catholics to turn in on themselves and develop a siege mentality or rush for comfort to what is familiar, but to reach out and change men and women into people who reflect the God of love revealed in Jesus Christ – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
According to the Church in Chains Global Guide, the situation is noticeably worsening in India as Hindu extremists attack churches in rural areas every week and under President Xi’s religious clampdown in China.
Bishop Paul McAleenan stated that society in England has experienced a significant rise in hate crime since the 2016 referendum and last year’s terror attacks.
New pastoral letter on the housing and homelessness crisis, ‘A Room at the Inn?’, calls on Irish society to commit itself to work towards the provision of warm, decent, affordable and secure homes for all.
Archbishop Martin pays tribute to Maynooth professor’s life of dedicated “service to the Church and to the beauty and dignity of music in the liturgy”.
Measuring less than 14cm x 9.5cm, the book earns its name from the fact that it was found in 1104 inside the coffin of St Cuthbert, who was once England's most venerated saint.
Fr Brian D’Arcy has called for the Church to allow married men and women to be ordained as priests.
Pontiff pays tribute to those who value the life of every human being, particularly the dignity of deaf people.
“This is life in Gaza. No food. No money. No health care. Living in fear. The situation is reaching crisis level and is close to becoming unliveable.” – Sr Bridget Tighe
Former BBC journalist describes life her new life in the convent.
“Isobel was so excited for her big day next year and when she found out that she may have to celebrate it without all her friends she was extremely disappointed.”
“Forcing a doctor to make a referral for an abortion against their conscience is simply wrong.” – Dr Kirsten Fuller
“Working to address your issues from a stable home with the help of a highly skilled, professional multi-disciplinary team is much more successful than trying to do so from a congregated setting like emergency homeless accommodation or living rough on the streets.”
“This research highlights the risk to children’s development and quality of life when there is an ongoing shortfall in all areas of household expenditure.”
In his homily at a Mass to open the academic year, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin warns that removing the Church entirely from Irish education could be “a deliberate misreading of Irish history”.