Products bought in Ireland from illegal Israeli settlements deprive Palestinians of their homes, their farms and their livelihoods, say bishops as they ask for support for the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018.
Last year the 3.8 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world saw their wealth decline by 11 per cent, while billionaires’ fortunes rose by a similar amount (12 per cent).
“I am leaving for the World Youth Day in Panama. I ask you to pray for this very beautiful and important event on the path of the Church” – Pope Francis on Twitter as he departed for Panama.
Bishop Paul McAleenan paid tribute to people from across Europe who have contributed to the Church and society in the UK and who are what he called “an integral and valued part of our parishes, schools and communities”.
According to St Mary’s marriage registry, Thomas Bird, son of James Bird, a labourer, and Mary McCague, daughter of Francis McCague, a farmer, married on 23 January 1860.
“In Ireland, the abuse scandals have badly damaged, perhaps even destroyed, the moral authority of the Church” – Rod Dreher.
“We know that buyers don’t care about the welfare of the person they are seeking so-called ‘sexual services’ from, even when they are victims of trafficking. Paying for sex is not an expression of sexuality: it is primarily the assertion of male dominance over women.”
“Despite the formal abolition of the slave trade, the exploitation of some human beings by others has not ended and now takes place in terrible new forms on a significantly large scale.”
The booklet features prayers compiled by Peter Murphy that are suitable for personal prayer in parishes, in the home, in hospital or in healthcare facilities.
Israeli Christians have it particularly tough and are “systematically marginalised".
Children will be aware of tensions between parents but "it’s better not to have rancorous and fractious conflict in front of them because they’ll be upset by it".
“We will never stop fighting for the recognition of the humanity, dignity, and rights of every member of the Manx and human family.”
“We just work together and try to provide a Christian witness in a world which is becoming increasingly secular and anti-Church. So I think we feel we have a common purpose.” – Rev Leslie Robinson
Precious Life slams Amnesty’s call for UK government to legislate directly to change current Northern Ireland abortion law.
“I want to give [the faithful] the opportunity to reflect and to pray and put pen to paper to me if they wish”.
Of the 550 projects displayed at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019, 88 explored climate change and environmental issues, responding to challenges caused by excessive carbon emissions and toxic refuse generated by excessive lifestyles.
The BAI states it will “promote a plurality of voices, viewpoints, outlets and sources in Irish media”.
“Over the years I have come to believe that faith cannot be acquired effortlessly: just as any other discipline, it requires commitment, perseverance and sacrifice.”
“We believe homelessness is not something that is happening to someone over there that we can ignore. It is completely bound up with the high rents that people are facing, it is the young people not being able to buy or rent homes, it’s the people in mortgage arrears” – Mike Allen, Focus Ireland
Group of 30 young people from Dublin will arrive in Panama this Friday (18 January) and will stay with families in a host parish, where they will take part in a social justice programme with local parishioners.
Marie Collins tells We Are Church gathering, “If there is no consistent agreement across the Church as to what is sexual abuse of a minor, then how can we have any hope of consistent handling of the issue?”
The 77m statue, entitled Cristo de la Paz (Christ of Peace) will show Our Lord with his arms outstretched
Tourists throw about €4,000 into the Trevi Fountain’s pools and cascades every day, which until now has been used to fund Caritas Italia's projects to help Rome's poor.
Last year 772,000 passengers used Knock Airport and this year is forecast to be another year of growth at the facility, founded by Msgr James Horan.
Episcopal vacancies are an opportunity for the Church in Ireland to lay new foundations, says We Are Church Ireland.
"A substantial number of young people do not ask the Church for anything because they do not see it as significant for their lives."
Sixty students from Ireland attended the SEEK2019 conference in the United States and have come back inspired.
“It is our duty and a privilege to stand in solidarity with Christians in Palestine and Israel as we seek to understand the pressures that force that decline in population.”
“If the name is lost we are going to lose Medical Missionary of Mary history and heritage as well.”
The most recent Irish census showed that the fastest growing religious belief was what it called the Orthodox branch of Christianity.