We are sons of God thanks to Jesus: no one can take away this “identity card.” That was Pope Francis’ message during Mass on Thursday at the Casa Santa Marta.
The Pope’s homily centred on the Gospel of the healing of a paralytic. In the beginning of the day’s Gospel, Jesus [...]
On Tuesday Wednesday (July 2 and 3rd), the meeting of the Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organisational and Economic Problems of the Holy See took place in Vatican City, presided over by Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone . Particularly noteworthy was the visit on Wednesday 3 by [...]
Archbishop Eamon Martin has recorded a powerful and direct appeal on EWTN for the Irish people to choose life and for the faithful to pray that abortion legislation will not be voted in.
In a second recording he asks people to join with him as he prays the Choose Life prayer.
You can view [...]
We are sons of God thanks to Jesus: no one can take away this “identity card.”
The consolidated financial statement for the Holy See for the year 2012 closes with a profit of € 2,185,622,.
Archbishop Eamon Martin has recorded a powerful and direct appeal on EWTN for the Irish people to choose life.
This morning (1st July) in the Holy See Press Office a presentation was given for the “Great Event of the Year of Faith, a Day for seminarians, novices, and all those who have taken the path of vocation”. The participants were Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president [...]
To meet the living God we must tenderly kiss the wounds of Jesus in our hungry, poor, sick, imprisoned brothers and sisters. Study, meditation and mortification are not enough to bring us to encounter the living Christ. Like St. Thomas, our life will only be changed when we touch Christ’s [...]
The Pro Life Campaign said it is disappointed at the result of the Second Stage vote on abortion in the Dáil but welcomed the fact that an initial four Fine Gael TDs voted against the bill.
The Dail the first vote on the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill saw [...]
Remarks by President Higgins
Wednesday, 3rd July 2013
You are very welcome here today to Áras an Uachtaráin.
I wish to thank Steven O’Riordan for requesting this visit for the Magdalene Survivors. While each of you has her own unique story of a great wrong, as a group is it important that the [...]
The Pro Life Campaign said it is disappointed at the result of the Second Stage vote on abortion in the Dáil but welcomed the fact that an initial four Fine Gael TDs voted against the bill.
To meet the living God we must tenderly kiss the wounds of Jesus in our hungry, poor, sick, imprisoned brothers and sisters.
"Your story has caused important questions to be asked so as to ensure that such mistakes of the past are never repeated." - President Higgins
Cardinal Seán Brady raises legal and Constitutional concerns about the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013
I am conscious that the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, is entering the final stages of the legislative process in the Oireachtas. In addition to the fundamental ethical concerns already raised by [...]
Christians are called to be courageous in their weakness. We must recognize that we are weak and that, at times, we have to flee from sin without nostalgia, without looking back. We must not let temptation or fear keep us from God. Instead we must learn that ‘he who fights [...]
On Sunday, 23rd June a Syrian priest, François Murad was killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria. Fides Agency has confirmed priest’s death but stated that the circumstances are not fully understood. Mainstream newspapers say the priest was beheaded and a video of the killing was broadcast.
Fides states that the monastery where [...]
It is hoped that some six thousand young people from 66 different countries will participate in the initiative.
On Sunday, 23rd June a Syrian priest, François Murad was killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria.
We must recognize that we are weak and that, at times, we have to flee from sin without nostalgia, without looking back.
President Ernst von Freyberg to assume General Director duties ad interim – IOR-Directorate offers resignations – Promontory seconding top level executives to fill the roles of Deputy Director and Chief Risk Officer
Vatican/Holy See 1. July 2013 – IOR-Director Comm. Paolo Cipriani and Deputy Director Dott. Massimo Tulli have offered their [...]
In her statement on the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013 Second Stage, Minister Lucinda Creighton T.D. yesterday (1st July 2013) said that she never imagined when she stood for election to Dáil Éireann that she would find herself, just two years later, speaking on a Government sponsored Bill [...]
This Bill represents a legislative and political ‘Trojan Horse’ which heralds a much more liberal and aggressive abortion regime in Ireland.
“I can only hope that logic and verifiable evidence will prevail and substantive amendments will be accepted ..."
IOR-Director Comm. Paolo Cipriani and Deputy Director Dott. Massimo Tulli have offered their resignations from their current positions.
On 27 June in the Holy See Press Office, there was a presentation of the agreement between Vatican Television and Canal 21 (the television channel of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina) as well as of the new Master Control Room that will make digital archiving possible.
Pope Francis prayed the Angelus on Sunday with faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square. In remarks before the traditional prayer of Marian devotion, the Holy Father spoke of the conscience as the interior space in which we can listen to and hear the truth, the good, the voice of God.
Pope [...]The Holy Father spoke of the conscience as the interior space in which we can listen to and hear the truth, the good, the voice of God.
Vatican Television is in the process of completely digitizing its television signals and building a new Master Control Room.
“Your presence is the sign of the profound bond that unites the Church of Constantinople with the Church of Rome in faith, in hope, and in charity,” Pope Francis said this morning on receiving the delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarch, which had arrived in Rome to celebrate the [...]
WASHINGTON—Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Migration, commended, June 28, the U.S. Senate for passage of comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The U.S. Senate passed S. 744, the Border Security, Economic Competitiveness, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013, by [...]