“The days of fear, of secrecy, of oppression are happily in the past."
First lecture will be given by the author and journalist, John Waters.
Declaration of 124 Korean martyrs may pave way for visit there too.
Vatican spokesman suggests UN report was drafted in advance, without waiting for the Vatican’s own report.
Attempt to break world record for wedding vow renewal today.
Rev Michael Barry annoys gay rights activists by suggesting that people who are gay should stay celibate.
The Irish Confraternity of Catholic Clergy says it is not in competition with the ACP.
“Say No to an ephemeral, superficial and throwaway culture."
Gao Zhisheng twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for defending China's persecuted.
Peer pressure brings risks and challenges that were unknown in my time PP admits.
"Religious have to learn to share their prayer life with others."
Report gives no acknowledgement of safeguarding guidelines now in place.
Failure to broker a deal has damaged Northern Ireland's reputation internationally.
Young people under pressure from peers, complex culture of social media, and culture of drink.
Human trafficking now ranks as the second most profitable worldwide criminal enterprise after the illegal arms trade.
“A fearful church and a fearful city withdraw into self-preservation," Church of Ireland Archbishop warns.
Ferns successor dismisses interview as a stunt to make money.
New 9ft bronze of Ireland’s famous female saint created by Canadian sculptor, Timothy Schmalz.
Good religious education is a “fundamental part of the DNA of a pluralist system”.
Irish Bishops Drugs Initiative holds national conference in Dublin at weekend.
Church and world needs the witness of religious and consecrated lay people.
Crisis in religious life is not an "antechamber of death" but an opportunity to grow in depth and hope.
Diocese to listen to people and share what they have to say about the situation of the Church.
Faith should enrich our reflection, as a society, on the value of life, Archbishop Martin suggests.
Sherry Weddell identifies five threshholds on the way to Christian conversion.
Postage-stamp-sized piece of fabric which Blessed John Paul was wearing when he shot in May 1981 almost intact.
Catholic identity must be clear and uncompromising Pontiff warns Notre Dame in the US.
Denominational schools have a right under law to determine provision of religious observance claims SCES.
Feature article on 'Cool Pope Francis' hits the news stands today.
“Seán gave particular attention to children with education needs and ... the access of children from the Travelling community to education."