Those with moral objections to any contraceptive methods ineligible for FSRH diploma.
Tributes pour in for popular schoolteacher Anne Maguire killed by student.
Carbon tax increase "another tax on the hard-working families of Ireland" warns Senator.
Motion implies ties between a child and its mother and father have no intrinsic value for child.
Clonmacnois was the place in Ireland which touched St John Paul II most deeply.
Concern for plight of more than 230 schoolgirls abducted by Islamists.
Papal Nuncio welcomes invitation extended by Enda Kenny to Pope.
St John XXIII, St Faustina and St John Paul II were all linked by the experience of God’s mercy.
St John XXIII defined as “the Pope of openness to the Holy Spirit” and St John Paul II as “the Pope of the Family."
Primate of Ireland refuses to respond to polemics of those who caricature two popes.
Declining financial and human resources cited for closure.
Enda Kenny joins millions of pilgrims in Rome for unique ceremony.
3,000 Irish pilgrims attend canonisation of John XXIII and John Paul II.
Information about special events happening across Ireland on Sunday.
Need to bring “accountability to unaccountable forces encouraging fear in our world".
Vatican says no change in Church teaching should be inferred from Pope's alleged comments.
Special Mass on Monday concelebrated by Cardinal and Bishop for Irish pilgrims in Rome.
Bro Declan Duffy was involved in Minister O’Malley’s 'free education' movement in 1960s.
Millennial anniversary of landmark battle on 23 April 1014.
Car sticker initiative is a joint venture between Shannon parish and Shannon Airport recalling Saint's 1979 visit.
People have been catapulted into dire suffering, unable to return to their homes, and now in urgent need of food, clean water and shelter.
Examples of inclusivity in schools in practically every parish in the country: Fr Drumm of CSP.
Marketing consultant and music graduate to be ordained to the priesthood in the next year.
After extensive ‘voicing’ and ‘fine tuning’ rebuilt instrument now fully ready for performance.
Over 31 million people watch video of priest singing at wedding ceremony.
40 under 17 years of age, out of the total 374 civilians, killed during Easter Rising.
Social Justice Ireland publishes 2014 Socio-Economic Review.
Pontiff asks for prayers for an end to injustice towards the hungry and the vulnerable.
Renowned Irish singer and song writer releases new album called Lumina.
Over forty scholars gather in Maynooth to discuss pope emeritus' theological anthropology.