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British convert and foundress declared Venerable

Mother Mary Veronica of the Passion founded the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel, a Discalced Carmelite Third Order for women based in India.


Christian bakery in gay marriage cake row

Marriage in Northern Ireland still defined as being the union between one man and one woman bakery highlights.


Bishop Delany’s bicentenary celebrated

Patrician Brothers and Brigidine Sisters and friends recall legacy of 18th century Irish pioneer.


Pope Francis thanks working mothers

Theirs is a call “to work and at the same time to the family.”


Irish survivor feels vindicated by meeting Pope

“Before God and his people I express my sorrow for the sins and grave crimes of clerical sexual abuse committed against you. And I humbly ask forgiveness" - Pope.


Church must place survivors at its centre

"A Church which talks about a preferential option for the poor must show unflinchingly a preferential option for those who have been victims of abuse" - Archbishop Martin.


Ongoing conflict mars South Sudan’s anniversary

One million displaced within the country and 378,000 seeking refuge in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda.


Cardinal and Abbot lead tributes to St Oliver Plunkett

“St Oliver teaches us that our lives will only make sense if we place ourselves in God’s hands and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to new life.” - Dom Aidan Bellenger


Clerical abuse survivors to meet Pope today

Two Irish survivors among group of six to outline their suffering to Pope Francis.


SVP urges restoration of One Parent Family payment

Families with children, headed by a single parent, have been hardest hit by recessionary measures.


Two Dominicans ordained by Archbishop Martin

"The priest is called to nourish the faith of God’s people, but the faith of God’s people also nourishes the priest."


Thousands turn out for pro life rally in Belfast

8,000 voice opposition to proposed changes to NI's abortion laws.


Vatican recognition for Association of Exorcists

International Association of Exorcists (IAE) has 250 members in 30 countries.


Bishop alarmed by level of alcohol consumption

Vice-chair of Irish Bishops’ Drugs Initiative responds to call for the opening of pubs on Good Friday.


Cardinal to lead St Oliver Plunkett procession

Dom Aidan Bellenger, Abbot of Downside Abbey, the location of St Oliver's tomb, to preach homily.


Appeal for pilgrims and padres for Reek Sunday

Priests sought to minister to anticipated 25,000 pilgrims likely to make the climb on 27 July.


PLC criticises Government over abortion guidelines

Abortion is now legal in Ireland up to birth based on a threat of suicide PLC warns.


Evangelii Gaudium continues to sell out

Veritas orders sixth print run of Pope's Apostolic Exhortation.


Pope calls for landmine ban to be enforced

Landmines "prolong war and nurture fear even when conflict has ended” Pontiff warns.


Mount Melleray Abbey celebrates ordination

Cistercians celebrate first ordination since 2006 as monk ordained by Bishop William Lee.


CPSMA pays tribute to Minister Ruairi Quinn

Council for Education welcomes forum progress report on patronage and pluralism.


New head of diocesan curia appointed in Dublin

49-year-old Mgr Paul Callan replaces Mgr Lorcan O’Brien as Moderator of the Dublin Diocesan Curia.


Tribute to Mercy nun by TV star Vorderman

Sr Helen Culhane wins Local Heroes Award for her work as Director of the Children's Grief Project in Limerick.


Bishop McKeown and 365 pilgrims visit Lourdes

Theme of 2014 Derry pilgrimage is ‘The joy of conversion’.


Kilmore diocese hosts devotion to Holy Name

Triduum of Prayer will take place from 11-13 July as part of Kilmore's pastoral plan for the year.


Plea from Archbishop Martin over wastage of food

It is “shameful” how much food is thrown away when so many do not have the necessary food to keep going.


Two priests ordained in Raphoe and Down & Connor

Fr Dominic McGrattan ordained by Bishop Treanor in Portaferry and Fr Stephen Gorman ordained by Bishop Boyce in Letterkenny.


September celebration to mark Mercy Association

President Higgins, Archbishop Martin, co-workers, associates and Sisters to mark 20th anniversary of the Mercy International Association.


Solemn remembrance of farm accident victims

Those who work on a farm are up to ten times more likely to be killed in the course of their work than the general working population: Bishop Denis Nulty.


16% of Irish adults living in poverty are employed

Numbers living in poverty have increased by 120,000 since beginning of the recession, Social Justice Ireland highlights.

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