Pontiff warns of urgent need to promote a dialogue of life with Muslims to discourage violence against Christians.
Cathedral of Christ the King marks 75th anniversary with day of jubilations.
77-year-old Sr Christine Frost warns social deprivation and sense of grievance pushing Muslim youth into arms of extremists.
Britain’s Prince Charles tells Chaldean Patriarch he is “heartbroken” by the situation in Iraq.
Local parents predominantly favoured Le Chéile Trust to educate their children.
"To see your own child dead is just unimaginable" - Fr Tom Naughton
Claims of at least two miraculous cures linked to Bradburne.
Amach! group invites Bishop Drennan to meet members and hear about their work and plans.
Taoiseach's appearance in Focus Ireland video provokes criticism saying Govt has done nothing to ameliorate plight of homeless.
Solidarity statement issued after mafia boss issues death threat against Fr Luigi Ciotti.
"We are seeing an extreme religious ideology that knows no limits in its persecution of those who are culturally or religiously different."
“We saw an opportunity to fill a need. There’s a real hunger" - Boston Globe Editor Brian McGrory.
Debate over commercial surrogacy reignites following latest revelations concerning another Australian couple.
Report warns Assyrian Christians, Yazidis, Turkmen and Shabaks 'risk being wiped out'.
"You can have five degrees in theology, but not have the Spirit of God. Maybe you'll be a great theologian, but you are not a Christian," Pontiff warns.
Sant'Egidio Community’s ‘Peace is the Future’ conference to dialogue against backdrop of the centenary of the First World War.
"Safeguard the life and health of people by respecting the environment and nature” - Pontiff.
Tributes for 79-year-old Capuchin who oversees the feeding of 800 people a day.
“Prostitution is inherently violent towards women and girls” former US president warns.
Ceasefires and decommissioning in people's hearts needed Bishop Donal McKeown warns.
Archbishop Martin also suggests "Church must find new ways of listening to the special witness of married couples."
By 2025 the number of people in Ireland aged over 85 years will have doubled: SJI.
Fundraising campaign aims to cover cost of new retirement home for returned Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary.
"Everyone is thanking God that a durable ceasefire agreement has been reached."
“As shapers of policy your role is ... to be ‘a leaven in the world’ in favour of the family, local community and your respective nations."
"The only way forward that I can see is to take [article 40.3.3] out of the Constitution altogether”: Olivia Mitchell.
Australian catholic newspaper accuses former head of state of having an "agenda" over her views on women's ordination and homosexuality.
Parallel drawn between Mary Magdalene and disgraced founder Marcial Maciel.
“I hope the initiative might focus prayers and generosity on displaced Christians and the persecuted minorities of Iraq and the Middle East.”
Numbers participating in three-day retreats down, but numbers attending one-day retreats up 16 percent.