PLC warns private members' bill aims to strip away any "remaining legal protection for the unborn child to create a regime where abortion is available on request."
Catholic Grandparents Association founder, Catherine Wiley, to give a testimony highlighting the vocation of grandparents.
Focolare flows from "charism of unity" says Pope and calls on movement to "go out in spirit of dialogue".
Bishop del Portillo made several visits to Ireland and, as a child, he learnt his first words of English from an Irishwoman.
Priests, Religious and lay people promote faith and mission alongside all things agricultural.
"It is widely recognised that Irish missionaries led the way for much of what the Irish Government, through Irish Aid, is now doing in the area of development assistance."
Fr Vincent Mulligan is the first Irish person to be awarded the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers’ honour.
Challenge for the Synod is to be “open to ways of applying the primacy of mercy to particular situations while remaining faithful to fundamental truth."
President Higgins highlights the importance of people supporting local employers, businesses and produce.
"We all bear responsibility to protect and value creation for the good of future generations.”
Call for nurses to be given "rightful social and economic recognition” at XIX World Conference of Catholic Nurses Guild.
Following St Paul's admonishment in 55AD, ‘Let the women be silent in the churches’, the equality between women and men in the early church began to change.
Sr Margaret Muldoon urged “to turn down her invitation to the synod in favour of a married family person, even at this late stage.”
City of Liberia put under quarantine resulting in 75,000 people being sealed into a densely-packed slum.
Renowned journalist John Allen Jr suggests papacy of Francis represents a Kairos moment for the whole Church.
No timetable set for implementation of withdrawal process which Order says is due to declining membership.
Sunday Independent poll shows 56% support referendum to repeal 8th Amendment; 60% support abortion in the case of suicide; 69% support it in case of rape.
"May no one use religion as a pretext for actions against human dignity and against ... the right to life and the right to religious freedom!"
Presenting its 2015 pre-Budget Submission, Dóchas renews call to the Government to meet target of 0.7% ODA.
Head of Pontifical Council for New Evangelisation sees hope for Irish Church in "great participation" of laity in Church.
Patriarch calls for protection zone for Christians in northern Iraq under UN mandate and intervention to enable those displaced by IS to go home.
Pope Francis would like to see an ‘opening’ on church teaching on divorced and remarried according to Cardinal Walter Kasper.
Billing of event as 'National Assembly' planning future of the Church is unfounded, says organiser.
Donations received by Aid to the Church in Need are being distributed directly to parishes in Iraq and Syria.
Pontiff spent time praying before Our Lady Salus Populi Romani – Protectress of the Roman people - in St Mary Major.
“Ideally, All Hallows College would like to retain a presence on campus to continue aspects of its mission" - Fr Patrick McDevitt, President.
Economist warns theoretical mistake was made in believing economics has no need of morality.
Five cardinals jointly author book defending Church’s current position.
Deanery groupings will no longer be made up solely of priests but will expand membership to allow participation of laity and Religious.
32-page Irish Independent supplement on the women who have helped shape the country.