"We uphold the historic and Christian view of marriage as exclusively between one man and one woman."
War is 'irreligion'. It is never holy, it never has been. God does not want it. Only peace is truly holy because God himself is peace: Maria Voce.
The sculpture depicts a park bench with a faceless cloaked figure lying on it. Passers-by realise that it depicts Jesus only when they notice the holes in the feet.
"We haven't been 'praying and inviting' for twenty years, and look where it has got us!" states Vocations Director.
"‘Guest from the West’ is a very eloquent and timely read to once again remind us of the valuable contributions of missionaries over the years" - Korean Ambassador.
Pontiff hits out at excesses of patriarchal cultures…multiple forms of ‘machismo’… and the instrumentalisation and commodification of the female body by media.
Poll finds that 88% of Irish men have never bought sex; just 8% say they have, but not regularly, with 4% not responding.
"See the world through the eyes of God the Creator: the earth is an environment to be safeguarded, a garden to be cultivated”.
From a low point of 7 in 2004, the numbers have steadily increased to a high point of 45 in 2014.
411 families in emergency accommodation with 911 children according to Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE).
“In recent days the large scale loss of life in the Mediterranean Sea has once again highlighted human trafficking as a real and present problem” - Primate.
Weekend of events recalls the 1.5 million Armenians killed by the Ottoman Turks between 1915 and 1923.
"It is reassuring that a significant number of MLAs will oppose any moves to discriminate against babies with terminal illness" - PLC.
Hope of their release remains, although the passing of every week and month “makes this more difficult” Nuncio in Syria states.
Jesuit recommends cross-community education and training course at TCD about the 1912-1922 period in Irish/British history.
“I make a heartfelt appeal to the international community to react decisively and quickly to see to it that such tragedies are not repeated" - Pope Francis.
Government believes "the sexes are completely interchangeable and that men and women bring nothing special and distinct to the lives of their children” - Iona Institute.
New footage also includes the destruction of a number of churches, altars and works of religious art at unspecified locations.
Rome Synod ought to be addressing issues such as the child sex ratio in India and interfaith marriages according to Dr Astrid Lobo Gajiwala.
There is no 'command delete' from the brain. What is seen cannot be unseen and it will harm you, Professor of Cyber psychology tells young people at Ted talk.
“Church renewal is coming primarily through an emphasis on collegiality and the restoration of the synodal process to what it was intended to be in Vatican II" - Austen Ivereigh.
Government could have followed the Portuguese lead by excluding same sex adoption - Keith Mills of Mothers and Fathers Matter.
"Make Friday 1 May a red letter day for unborn children by approaching candidates to ask them: ‘If elected, will you defend the right to life of all unborn children?’"
UN Secretary General, Ban ki-Moon, will meet Pope Francis in the Vatican later this month to issues including climate change.
CDF confident that LCWR has made clear its mission to ... foster a vision of religious life centred on the Person of Jesus Christ and rooted in Tradition of the Church.
"Opinion polls which omit key information produce distorted results," says Cora Sherlock of PLC.
When the ship began to sink, Fr Byles was offered a lifeboat place several times but he refused, staying to help, hear confessions and pray with those still on board.
Unemployment is still one of Derry’s “big problems” along with the legacy of the conflict.
“Not only have the girls not been released but nothing is known about their fate" - Mgr Kaigama.
“We have all been deeply touched by the unconditional love expressed by John and Marian for their daughter Karen” - Bishop Crean.