"This is the book I didn’t want to write. It is the book the publishers encouraged me to compile for more than 10 years and which I steadfastly resisted.”
"Let it be a Church that is free and open to the challenges of the present, never on the defensive for fear of losing something."
"Our celebration is tinged with a certain sadness because we say farewell to the Sisters who were at the very heartbeat of this community over these years".
Sierra Leone recorded the first Ebola case in May 2014. A total of 8,704 people were infected and 3,589 died including 221 healthcare workers.
Campaigners will gather today in front of the Chaldean Church of St George in Baghdad to protest.
Archbishop Martin calls for Church to free itself from positions of the past including control of schools and institutions.
€12m redevelopment includes 21 new apartments in the college, a 10-bed group home, and 36 one-bed apartments and a range of support services.
There is not a village, or town, in any county in Ireland that did not suffer losses in World War I - Revd Michael Roemmele in his homily at St Patrick's Cathedral.
"Heaven is a place where we experience God's love in a new way and we enter into communion with that God” - Archbishop Martin.
“The bombings are not coming to an end, on the contrary, they are increasing significantly both during the day and at night” - Fr Ibrahim in Aleppo.
Bishop MacDaid to preside at special Vespers liturgy to honour the witness of religious who have consecrated themselves to a life of prayer and witness.
Mgr Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication, marks 40th anniversary of the Catholic Communications Office in Maynooth.
“Adult faith formation is a vital element in the future development of our Catholic faith” - Bishop John Fleming, Chancellor.
85 year old Redemptorist missionary from Fossa has been tirelessly serving the people of northeast Brazil for over 55 years.
Primate suggests Maynooth offer a theology course specifically tailored for those working in Church communications and religious affairs.
Director of the Law Centre tells Church leaders not 'demonise' people working in the human rights sector but build relationships with them.
Many of the claims made in two new books are based on information dating from before Vatican economic reforms made: Fr Federico Lombardi.
“While families are flooding into homelessness, Ministers are bickering, arguing with one another and disagreeing with one another" - Fr McVerry.
Some concerns that new programme will "adversely affect religious instruction and a faith-based school’s characteristic spirit.”
Religions must respect legitimate autonomy of the secular order. Imposing a political programme in the name of God is making yourself into God.
Former president, Mary McAleese, presents “the story of a great Irish monk” who “literally changed the fate and faith of Europe” in the dark ages.
Interest among university students in short-term pledge welcomed by Pioneers as country reels over death of four-year-old Ciaran Treacy.
Cardinal Nichols praises voluntary accreditation scheme saying it allows employers show they value their employees.
Northern bishops highlight how motion was "completely silent" on the "vital issue" of respect for individual religious conscience and protections for Churches.
“The welcome of reconciliation is a welcome that draws together antitheses, opposites, even materials that when combined are in danger of being explosive."
The arrests come days before the publication of two books by Italian journalists on Vatican finances based on confidential information.
Archbishop says Pope strongly criticised those in the Church who judge with superiority and superficiality difficult cases and wounded families.
Unique ecumenical document - ‘Declaration on the Way: Church, Ministry and Eucharist’ - marks a pathway towards greater visible unity between two Churches.
Departure of Sr Consilia Dennehy brings to a close congregation's presence in the city after 143 years.
Prelate was “stoned with the hardest stone that exists in the world: the tongue" resulting in his cause for sainthood being held up for years.