“A great honour for the congregation of Christ Church to have been included in the ceremony to open the Holy Door in our neighbouring church, St Eugene’s Cathedral.”
Twenty priests hear confessions for five hours at shopping mall in Shannon at the start of the Year of Mercy.
BAI finding: RTE interview with Colm O’Gorman of Amnesty Ireland articulated a "partisan position" on the issue of abortion.
“A faith school has a right to have a faith-based ethos. Parents have a right to send their children to a school with a faith ethos that can permeate the school day”.
Bishops mark International Human Rights Day with a call to redouble efforts to prevent more deaths of homeless people on our streets.
On Sunday 13 December, Sr Mary Reynolds RSM will open the door of 64A Lower Baggot Street in Dublin - the first House of Mercy founded by Venerable Catherine McAuley.
“To pass through the Holy Door means to rediscover the infinite mercy of the Father who welcomes everyone and goes out personally to encounter each of them."
22 NGOs call on the Government to honour its promise to fundamentally reform the Irish asylum system in line with recommendations in the McMahon Report.
Ireland's only national Christian radio station needs financial support to enable it expand its transmission area.
Baptising children simply to be able to attend a specific school is an abuse of baptism Archbishop Diarmuid Martin warns.
As well as a second Samuel group in Cork, it is hoped that another group will start in Dublin.
"This Christmas Day, while most of us settle down to a meal with loved ones, many women will be in brothels waiting for a call from their next buyer".
Anniversary is also a time to review, to recommit to renewal and to discern what the Spirit today is saying to the Church.
“The support and kindness they provided to the friends of our children as they came to terms with this tragedy is limitless."
The way forward for the Catholic Church is to implement the “community model” of Church proposed by the Second Vatican Council.
"I pray that anyone who enters through the Holy Doors in our diocese will experience, in a profound way, the love of God who consoles, pardons and instils hope.”
“A landmark victory for all who prioritise comprehensive women’s health care over abortion industry profits.”
Ireland's most famous gambler, having raised millions of euro for schools and hospitals in Africa, is honoured by Oireachtas Human Dignity Group.
Trócaire warns that Ireland is one of only four EU member states not on track to meet EU 2020 commitments on CO2 reduction.
EWTN founder, fed through feeding tube, offers suffering 'for Jesus'.
Across our community, our churches and our conflict Fr Gerry Reynolds CSsR forged new relationships so that old differences could be resolved.
Irish missionary presently works with Hands of Care & Hope project in the slums of Nairobi assisting out of school youth and those living with HIV.
Tributes to ecumenical and educational expertise of auxiliary bishop of Down and Connor, the longest-serving bishop in the country.
175-year-old Church of Ireland parish hosts display of 49 trees, each of which represents a verse from the Bible, telling the Christmas story in a “unique and enchanting way”.
“As a society our progress should be measured against how effectively we care for the most vulnerable amongst us,” bishops state.
53 allegations against 44 priests, brothers or sisters between 1941 and 2009 resulted in no convictions.
“Homeless families will end up having to sleep in Garda stations and hospital emergency departments for Christmas,” Jesuit warns.
Bishop questions whether the State really cares about marriage in view of the fact that it doesn't have marriage preparation courses.
Figures released by the HSE in June showed that new HIV cases in Ireland have reached their highest point in five years.
Two new food banks opened by Crosscare in 2015 in Glasnevin and Darndale as demand for assistance remains high.