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Abortion is a major election issue

It is "very difficult to see how any Catholic could, in good conscience, vote for a candidate or a political party whose policy it is to legalise abortion" - Bishop Doran.


Poor health, no money and loneliness top concerns

ALONE research shows respondents were most concerned about being able to maintain independence on the state pension and finding themselves lonely.


Holy Door is a symbol of welcome: Bishop Duffy

“I encourage priests and parish pastoral councils to provide opportunities for people to participate in the Year of Mercy.”


Bishops opposed to weakening right to life of unborn

Hierarchy focus on five key election issues: housing crisis, education, crime, healthcare, right to life and refugee crisis.


Pope hints at contraception leeway over Zika crisis

Pontiff warns that abortion is an absolute evil but avoiding pregnancy isn't in particularly difficult circumstances such as Paul VI's authorisation to nuns threatened with rape.


Donations to Trócaire in Tuam hit €8.5m in 20 years

“Staggering” sum for a rural diocese with a population of roughly 140,000 and at a time of economic recession.


Sisters speak out against trafficking at UN

Research has shown that “cumulative disadvantage over the life course renders people vulnerable to trafficking".


Irish priest offers bus confessions in UK

Double-decker ‘Mercy Bus’, which seeks to bring people back to confession, is an initiative of Fr Frankie Mulgrew, son of comedian Jimmy Cricket.


Syriac Catholic Archbishop of Mosul in new appeal

"Our situation is hard, our future is gloomy, and people are tired. They are waiting for a solution whereby they can restore their dignity."


Irish society must be ‘people-centered’: Archbishop

If an unborn child has a life-limiting condition, it would be “inhumane to withdraw the protection of the Constitution to their right to life”.


Homeless ‘pods’ appear on Dublin streets

An 82% increase in the number of children attending the Capuchin Day Centre for meals since 2011 Brother Kevin Crowley warns.


Govt moves to allay Churches over parade lockout

“We are happy to consult with the organisers of the commemoration on this matter” Church of Ireland Primate says in new statement.


Conference to look at how sport can build faith

“Throughout competitions I recited decades of the rosary praying as I competed. I drew on my faith to empower performance” - Gerard Hartmann.


Ethiopian church appeals for aid as drought worsens

“The severity of the situation is continuously increasing as is the number of people affected”: Cardinal Berhaneyesus D. Souraphiel, Archbishop of Addis Ababa.


Bishops must report abuse allegations: O’Malley

President of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors reiterates bishops must report all suspected cases of sexual abuse to civil authorities.


Pope denounces vanity and pride of the rich

Mexicans urged to turn their country into a land of opportunity where people are no longer destroyed at the hands of the merchants of death.


Abortion is not just an issue in Ireland: Bishop

Challenges for next government include the inadequacy of some services in hospitals & disability facilities, reduced pay, child poverty, homelessness & crime levels.


‘Sister’s Café’ aims to raise awareness of nuns

Eight female congregations will provide information about vocations and the role a Sister can play in assisting the more vulnerable in society.


‘There is no moral justification for a lack of housing’

Many vulnerable sectors of Irish society have been let down, Bishop Buckley warns & urges voters to quiz election candidates on 8th Amendment.


Trócaire launches 43rd Lenten campaign

“This year’s Trócaire box is a recognition of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things in the pursuit of justice and a fairer world.”


New prayer for those hoping to meet a soulmate

“The release of this new prayer aims to remind everyone that God has a loving plan for each one of us and that there is always reason to be hope-filled.”


Pope and Patriarch hold historic meeting in Cuba

Joint declaration pleads on behalf of world's persecuted Christians especially in the Middle East where families, villages and cities are being exterminated.


Planning board says Irish Catholic sign will stay

Sign is "quite iconic" and "something of a landmark in that part of Dublin" according to Irish Catholic editor, Michael Kelly.


First ecumenical Ash Wednesday service at DCU

The imposition of ashes on our foreheads was living out the life of baptism in the public space and the public square - Archbishop Michael Jackson.


Relief and joy as abortion proposal defeated in NI

Attempt to extend abortion law to allow for abortion in the cases of life limiting illnesses and in pregnancies resulting from rape or incest defeated in Stormont Assembly.


Film shows abuse parallels between Boston & Ireland

Spotlight will set off 'hand grenades' of pain in hearts of abuse survivors and as a Church we can never be complacent about child protection: Archbishop of Dublin.


Cardinal Murphy O’Connor to speak on Mercy

Pope Francis commissioned hundreds of ‘Missionaries of Mercy’ during Mass at St Peter’s Basilica, including Irish Jesuit, Fr Tony O’Riordan.


Marie Collins explains Saunders impasse

“Any expectation that the Commission can attack or demand things of the Pope or insert themselves in particular cases ignores the mandate."


First Catholic service at Hampton Court in 450 years

Saying that the service was a “celebration of a common agenda”, Bishop Chartres concluded, “Welcome home Cardinal.”


SVP cautions regulator on smart metering plans

SVP concerned that vulnerable people will be unable to avail of ‘paperless’ billing and direct debit discounts or be able to switch between suppliers to get a better price.

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