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New 1916 suite to premiere at Pro Cathedral

May 12 is the date of the last executions of the rebel leaders, James Connolly and Séan Mac Diarmada, in Kilmainham Jail.


Child welfare is ‘silver bullet’ of social policy

Britain's troubled families Tzar addresses SVP seminar and lauds St Vincent de Paul's home visitations.


Sabina Higgins criticised over abortion comments

EveryLifeCounts responds to President's wife saying it is sad to see her “push abortion for babies like ours because of their severe disability”.


Annual Trócaire lecture to focus on migration

President of the International Catholic Migration Commission, Peter Sutherland, will be the keynote speaker.


Mgr Hugh O’Flaherty memorial unveiled in Vatican

There are people who “do not grow accustomed to evil. Who defeat it with good” - Ambassador said of Irish priest who saved 6,500 Jews and Allied POWs.


COMECE welcomes Pope’s speech on Europe

Pope Francis stressed the need to move away from a “liquid economy" to create dignified and well-paying jobs.


New look website for Diocese of Kerry

The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. This is something truly good, a gift from God: Pope Francis.


Retrouvaille marks 20 years of revitalising marriages

Programme has saved hundreds of marriages in Ireland over two decades and there is a determination to grow the supports for marriage and family life.


New tenant purchase scheme may deplete housing stock

SVP seriously concerned at the shortage of local authority housing as numbers on waiting list jumps dramatically.


Director appeals for more support for music ministry

Priests and bishops need to put more resources into choirs and music, says Ian Callanan of Music Ministry Together.


Nuncio welcomes hundreds of pilgrims to Lough Derg

"Let it not be said of us that we were stingy or miserly in showing mercy to others in this Year of Mercy."


Genocide survivor is Global Citizen of the Year

Tributes to winner Colette Nkunda of Misean Cara for her contribution to development and sustainability.


Confide in a ‘soul friend’ suicidal priests advised

The suicide of priests is usually more to do with personal rather than vocational causes.


Ecumenical Bible Week: reading & praying together

It began in 2014 as an effort to tap into the ecumenical collaboration of IEC2012. The different traditions would read, pray and celebrate the Bible together over one week.


PLC angered by Citizens’ Assembly on abortion proposal

Citizens’ Assembly proposal has always been about paving the way for removing the only remaining legal protection for the unborn child.


Last 30 NBSCCCI safeguarding reports published

“One case stands out as being shocking. The NBSCCCI believes considerable work needs to be undertaken by the Order to acknowledge the serious damage caused.”


Increase in people sleeping rough in Dublin

Peter McVerry Trust calls for “decisive action” by the Government to stem the flow of people into homelessness.


Persecuted Church in Pakistan sees vocations boom

Lahore seminary rector sees increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life as “a sign of God's blessing” who is “always close to his people.”


Hospitals in Syrian city of Aleppo targeted

Catholic bishops of Aleppo appeal to those responsible to stop for the “love of God” and “the cry of blood of children and martyrs”.


The Edge is first rock star to perform in Sistine Chapel

“When they asked if I wanted to be the first contemporary artist to play in the Sistine Chapel, I didn't know what to say because usually there's this other guy who sings.”


Social networks can lead to polarisation & division

"Mercy can help mitigate life’s troubles and offer warmth to those who have known only the coldness of judgement."


‘Her death is a huge cross for her family’: Bishop

Sr Clare's "life and death have posed questions for many of her contemporaries – what is worthwhile doing in life, what makes a beautiful person, who we want as our idols?”


Immigrant Council welcomes navy mission to Med

8,500 people survived thanks to the actions of the Irish Navy crews in 2015 and many more will be saved in the coming weeks.


Pope to receive 6,000 homeless pilgrims

“This is why I want a Church which is poor and for the poor. They have much to teach us." Evangelii Gaudium [198]


Death of catholic pacifist Fr Daniel Berrigan

He credited Dorothy Day, the co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, with introducing him to the pacifist movement and influencing his thinking about war.


Bishops of England & Wales reflect on EU Referendum

“The outcome will have consequences for the future not only of the United Kingdom, but for Europe and for the world.”


We often judge people in black & white: Archbishop

“Pope Francis doesn't set out to change the teaching of Jesus or say that in life’s choices anything goes; yet he constantly reaches out to those who find that teaching hard.”


Desire for profit must never prevail over value of life

“Research, whether in academe or industry, requires unwavering attention to moral issues if it is to be an instrument which safeguards human life and the dignity of the person.”


500 transition year students at RDS faith gathering

Students hear personal testimonies from WYD participant seriously injured in traffic accident and from Richard Moore who was blinded by a plastic bullet as a child.


Bishop appeals to motorists to ‘drive safely’

53 deaths on roads in the Republic and another 18 in Northern Ireland so far this year.

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