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New book on ‘Lough Derg, Island of Quiet Miracles’

Book aims to open up Lough Derg to a new generation of pilgrims and rekindle its importance for people who have been many times.


‘Courageously proclaim the Gospel in word & deed’

President of St Patrick’s College Maynooth hopes nine new deacons will build up the ‘Body of Christ’ as they “serve the people of God in their various dioceses".


SVP welcomes Govt assurance on child benefit

“Withdrawing vital child benefit from families struggling to keep their children in school will not tackle child poverty."


Knock prepares for thousands of devotees of St Anthony

Relics of the 'Saint of Lost Things' will visit eight locations in Ireland between 9 and 17 June before travelling on to Britain.


Bishop of Limerick hopeful of a papal visit in 2018

“We are, of course, very excited about the prospect of the Pope visiting Ireland and are awaiting word on this. It would be a huge boost to the Church here."


Bishop Crean to ordain 9 deacons in Maynooth today

Ordination coincides with the special Jubilee of Deacons taking place in Rome to mark the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.


Pope appoints Irish priest as bishop in Zimbabwe

Fr Paul Horan OCarm succeeds Bishop Alexio Churu Muchabaiwa as leader of the diocese of Mutare.


Primate has “no objection” to married priests

One of the ways the bishops are dealing with the vocations crisis is by “borrowing back" from Churches where Irish priests and sisters served.


More dialogue between state & faiths urged

Head of the Church in England and Wales, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, gives address at symposium on St Thomas a Becket at Lambeth Palace.


CPSMA announces new General Secretary

Board of CPSMA expresses its appreciation to Fr Tom Deenihan, who has been General Secretary for almost three years, and brought enormous energy and commitment to the role.


Bishop Doran announces new ministry for lay people

New role will see lay people commissioned as leaders of faith-based education programmes in partnership with priests and parish communities.


Half population of England & Wales has no religion

Report shows the number having no religion exceeds the number describing themselves as Christian for the first time ever.


Global Rosary Relay for Priests to be held in 50 countries

On the stroke of midnight on 3 June, the biggest-ever prayer relay will take place around the world over 24 hours from Siberia to Guatemala.


From South Sudanese refugee to Olympic sprinter

Mangar Makur Chuot will be a member of South Sudan's first-ever Olympic team in Rio.


RTE must ‘rein in’ Ray D’Arcy warns PLC

Broadcasting Authority of Ireland upholds another complaint of media bias by The Ray D’Arcy Show in its treatment of the issue of abortion.


Ottawa archbishop ordains Irish Jesuit to diaconate

Eddie Cosgrove SJ from Leitrim will minister as a deacon at St Ignatius Parish, Winnipeg where he will also work in prison ministry.


Church leaders welcome WMoF announcement

The Pope has expressed his desire to attend and a visit by the Pope would bring great joy to Irish Catholics, but confirmation unlikely before the end of 2017.


Indian priest to serve in archdiocese of Tuam

The sister of Fr Yesudas Kodiveetil from the Diocese of Alleppey in Kerala in South India runs a growing charismatic prayer group in Tuam.


Pope confirms date & theme for World Meeting of Families

9th World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin from 22 to 26 August 2018 with the theme ‘The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World’.


More homeless as thousands of homes lie empty

74 families became newly homeless in Dublin in April while almost quarter of a million houses remain empty across the country.


National collection for World Meeting of Families

This weekend’s collection will be followed by another national collection next year and a final one in 2018, all aimed at defraying some of the large costs involved.


‘Turn promises into action for this generation’

At World Humanitarian Summit, President Higgins appeals to global community to act decisively on poverty, hunger, conflict, displacement and climate change.


International political system fuelling crises: Trócaire

“Rather than act to resolve humanitarian crises, the political system often exacerbates them" Catholic agency warns ahead of World Humanitarian Summit.


Catholic college in Belfast hosts Orange Order seminar

“We have put in place a project enabling our geography students to learn more about the Order, the traditions of that culture and to enable them to see another perspective.”


Bishop of Elphin critical of beliefs around Limbo

“Looking back on it now, such an idea doesn’t take into account the mercy of God who created these children in his own image.”


ACP urge Irish bishops to hold a national synod

“The Church is at a cross-roads,” he said, “and we could get stuck at the cross-roads unless we decide to respond proactively”.


Slovakian nun killed in gun attack in South Sudan

Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters ask for prayers for Sr Veronika Rackova “that her blood and death will be like a seed sown for greater peace.”


Catholic schools dominate league tables in Northern Ireland

“If you take a look at the top 11 schools they are all faith-based, and I think that says it all” - Sean Rafferty, head of St Louis Grammar in Ballymena in Co Antrim.


There is always an excess in God’s love: Cardinal Tagle

Head of Caritas International shares his insights into the mercy of God with priests attending diocesan retreat.


Catholic / Anglican Church unity advances a step

Report on third stage of dialogue between Catholic and Anglican churches due out in the autumn.

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