Fr Fintan Monahan is currently diocesan secretary in the archdiocese of Tuam and a member of the Communications Council of the Irish Episcopal Conference.
"I worry when I see young people who have 'thrown in the towel' before the game has even begun, who are defeated even before they begin to play, who walk around glumly as if life has no meaning."
For the first time in the history of St Anne’s a Roman Catholic Priest will serve on the Cathedral Chapter.
"A pilgrim and a tourist may follow the same itinerary, but the pilgrim is on a sacred journey in which God is encountered through people, places and situations.”
All religions “desire peace. Other people want war,” Pope tells journalists en route to WYD in Krakow.
Fr Brian Grogan SJ highlights how as human beings none of us will escape pain or suffering or the effects of evil in the world. The question is - what we do with the pain.
Special edition of SVP Bulletin highlights how Corrie's death “sparked a national conversation about homelessness but many campaigners feel the situation has not improved since then.”
“The Catholic Church has no other weapons but prayer and brotherhood among all peoples.”
The NCCA wants more time to be spent teaching maths, Irish and English as well as a proposed new course called Education about Religion, Beliefs and Ethics instead of religion.
Former MP and UK Minister of State for Children and Families to talk about how faith prompted her to leave politics and work instead for the Jesuit Refugee Service.
"For these young people this is an adventure but there is also obviously a real commitment – they could be going elsewhere but they have decided to give one week to this.”
The phenomenon of immigration is “new, different, and strange to the average Polish person”.
The Cherishing All Equally 2016 report highlights how the proportion of children living in consistent poverty in Ireland rose from 6.3% in 2008 to 11.2% in 2014.
Describing prayer as the wellspring of all Christian life, Bishop Kelly said this was the example Jesus showed and priests' whole being and every utterance must be founded on prayer.
“At this time, our spirit is once more shaken by the sad news relating to the deplorable acts of terrorism and violence which have caused suffering and death.”
Students served dinners in Mallow St Gospel Hall, worked on the garden at Our Lady of Lourdes crèche, cared for animals at Limerick Animal Welfare and helped the Franciscan Friars in Moyross.
Apostolic constitution, Vultum Dei quaerere, calls for ongoing formation for Sisters and “due discretion” in the use of digital means of communication.
Film provides a fascinating, vibrant portrait of the Co Mayo shrine through a vast patchwork of individuals and groups.
Co Kerry priest translated and edited the first modern Irish Catholic Bible – a year before the English version was completed in the early 1970s.
With cults, the criteria is how people live rather than what they believe. It tends to be about coercion - physical, psychological, financial, control and a lack of personal autonomy.
"Limerick is on the rise. It has rediscovered its wonderful voice and will continue to celebrate that long into the future.”
Missionary priests who left over celibacy tell their stories in television documentary which was directed by the wife of one of the 13 ex priests interviewed.
"Any government which seeks to legalise the taking of innocent human life betrays its sacred trust and is guilty of a crime against humanity.”
'Get out' clause on agriculture is ‘an abdication of responsibility, not a diplomatic triumph,’ says Trócaire.
Sunday’s ordinations will bring to four the number of new priests ordained for Clogher in the past three years.
Irish young people travelling overland to WYD - already en route.
Tony Walsh gets seven and a half years imprisonment for rape of boy three times between 1980 - 1982.
UN Special Envoy on Climate Change Mary Robinson says international community must do more.
But many of the commitments are "unclear, with no timescale or finances named" says Focus Ireland.
Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa and some Irish Loreto sisters brave hostilities to continue work.