“At a young age and with a bright future ahead of her in Ireland, she decided instead to dedicate her life to those in need in what was already then a virtual war zone.”
“It is insane to suggest that a candle has the power to manipulate a woman to choose life,” says Bernadette Smyth from Precious Life.
The closure was a necessary response to falling numbers of those entering the convent, but was a sad moment.
His knowledge and interest in the environment lends itself to the fifth mark of mission in the Anglican Communion, to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
Some Buddhist leaders are displeased with the strong line Pope Francis has taken over the treatment of the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority.
If the current rate of people becoming homeless continues, there will be 8,300 people living in homeless accommodation when the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe announces details of Budget 2018.
“It is now illegal to purchase sex in this country and the penalties for organising and profiting from prostitution have been increased. More needs to be done to ensure that these laws are properly enforced.”
“We talk a lot about the challenges of family life but those of you who are here today are here because you know that overall the family brings a fulfilment into your lives that is quite unique.”
This is how America was evangelised – by canoe!
The young people develop real friendships with each other, and face and overcome some big challenges together.
The groups being targeted include entrants from under-represented socio-economic groups and communities.
“It is shocking to think that in 2017 thousands of Christians are still being persecuted, displaced or expelled, tortured, discriminated and murdered simply because they are Christian,” says Eamon Martin.
“Together across our community we might come together, each of us and all of us, from all sectors including the churches and acknowledge our part in the hurt, the grief and the pain of the past 48 plus years.”
Bishop Kevin Doran draws out lessons to be learned from witness of Fr Edward Flanagan at conference in Roscommon.
Child of Prague statue is out and “Hail, rain, snow or sunshine the picnic is on this Sunday, and it’s going to be great,” says Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin Denis Nulty.
Founder of website championing rights of children of clergy recommends that guidelines approved by the Irish Episcopal Conference concerning the responsibilities of priests who father children should be adopted by Holy See and applied globally.
“The State should not favour one particular childcare choice over another ... The State should allocate resources in such a way as to financially support the various choices parents want to make about the care of their children during the day.”
“It is my express intention to keep all our 117 churches open. This won’t happen without support from outside Ireland. This won’t happen without lay people taking a greater role of leadership in their local faith communities,” said Bishop Nulty.
Fr Shay Cullen’s novel ‘Ricky and Julie – a story of courage and survival in the Philippines’ is about the lives of street children targeted and hunted by the deadly Davao Death Squad.
“The rising cost of rent is the main source of new homeless cases, and our worry is that we will see even more households losing their homes as the situation worsens”, Pat Doyle, CEO, Peter McVerry Trust.
Thousands pour into Knock as countdown to World Meeting of Families next year begins and preparatory programme is launched.
The icon, which was written by Mihai Cucu, will be accompanied by petition boxes, and contemplative communities around Ireland have agreed to take petitions collected from families and to pray for them during the coming year.
“I don’t know of any law in any civilized society that says a person deserves to die because he or she is ‘a drug suspect’.”
One of the major problems with euthanasia legislation remains the arbitrary nature of the criteria used.
“We are very happy to receive this peace prize because it means that there are still people around the world who support our mission to protect lives, and that the voices for peace are much stronger than the voices for war with guns and bombs.”
Helping people to connect with the preparations for the World Meeting will be vital and Brenda Drumm is especially well placed to manage this role with energy, creativity and commitment.
Over 1,000 young people pray for victims of terrorist attack at Youth 2000 summer festival in Tipperary.
It was on Sunday 30 May 1784 that Mass was celebrated for the first time in the Church of St Mary by Fr Hugh O’Donnell, first parish priest of Belfast.
Over half a million suspected cholera cases and twenty million people in need of aid in beleaguered state.
Love, communication, family and community are key in “living life to the full” says Marty Morrissey.