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Discovering Saint Patrick

This book is a real effort to distinguish between the problems and perspectives of the hagiographer on the one hand and the historian on the other. Thomas O’Loughlin’s book tries to get the best value from both.


Liturgical resources for the year of Matthew: Sundays in Ordinary Time in Year A

Thomas O’Loughlin has given us a book that is helpful for the priest who prepares the Sunday liturgy (perhaps with a group) with a full participation of the people in mind. Rich in helpful comments and suggestions, it integrates the homily within the context of the total celebration of the [...]


Mission in the 21st century: exploring the five marks of global mission

This collection of essays from people engaged in mission in a variety of contexts around the world shows that there isn’t just one, but many and various, narratives of mission. It is especially in the context of cultural pluralism that the editors invited the contributors to write. What emerges is [...]


He set out alone riding his mule

Brian Grogan SJ sketches St. Ignatius’ physical and spiritual transformation before Our Lady of Montserrat as he prepared to set out on his pilgrimage which would lead to the creation of the Jesuits and the reinvigoration of the Catholic faith.


Time out

John O’Callaghan tells of some of the fruits he has found in the Lay Retreat Association of St. Ignatius (LRA).


A moveable feast: the Sacred Heart

Janice writes to ask: Why does the Feast of the Sacred Heart fall in May this year? I thought that June was the month of the Sacred Heart and that May was the month dedicated to Our Lady. Fr Bernard McGuckian SJ replys to Janice’s query and explains the history behind [...]


Operation Murambatsvina: urban clean-up in Zimbabwe

Murambatsvina is a Shona word meaning “clean-up”. This story describes how a supposed “clean-up” operation is used to bring to heel the urban dwellers consistently opposed to the ruling political party. Fr Michael Bennett, a Kiltegan missionary, has worked for fifteen years as a justice and peace activist in Mutare, [...]


On the way to the wedding: the complete guide to planning your wedding ceremony

In this book, pastoral consultant Elizabeth Hughes presents an excellent practical guide to organising your actual wedding ceremony and all the details you will need to attend to. With a cursory glance at the more remote preparations, such as engagement with the church authorities, she gives a wide range of [...]


Jerusalem 1532

Brian Grogan SJ points out that Ignatius’s visit to Jerusalem in September 1523 was a high point in his life. Ever after he was able to recall in imagination the scenes where the mysteries of Jesus’ life were acted out. This became a technique of prayer that he taught to [...]


Poverty and generosity

Last autumn, when the global financial crisis began to bite, Paul Andrews SJ began to reflect on the prayer website “Sacred Space” about how the financial turmoil was affecting his prayer.


Do we need St Paul?

Unless the bearer of the Good News is transformed by what he or she proclaims, the word will be stillborn, says Kieran J O’Mahony OSA. We still need St Paul, he says, because the ‘future Church’ will have to be a place of passion, intelligence, transformation and encounter.


Christians in Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos

This month (September 2009) the Pope asks us ‘to pray that Christians in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar may place their trust in the Holy Spirit and so maintain the courage to proclaim the Gospel in spite of their difficulties. The author is Ashley Evans SJ, who works  in Cambodia.


Animals and justice

Maria Forrestal FMM wonders if as a Franciscan she should be a vegetarian. How, she asks, should a Franciscan sister live out the attitude of St. Francis of Assisi towards animals and the whole of creation?


Caring for the earth as a missionary challenge


The writer senses we have a call as Christians to care for the earth.


The lessons of nature

Celine Mangan OP uses the two quotes which follow to bring awareness of how the animal world can teach us humans how our actions are causing destruction to planet earth: ‘The land mourns and all who live in it languish; even the fish of the sea are perishing.’ (Hos.4.3) and [...]


Savvy and the preaching of the Gospel

In a thought-provoking booklet, Desmond Fennell responds to Vincent Twomey’s book on Irish Catholicism.

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