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Is faith delusion? Why religion is good for your health

“Admitting to belief in God and having Christian faith is currently regarded as a taint, revealing that one’s sanity is impaired”. This is the starting point of Andrew Sims’s exploration of the relation between religion and mental health and his critique of Richard Dawkins’s “The God Delusion”. He thoroughly justifies [...]


A painful gift: the journey of a soul with autism

Out of the fire of his own autistic torment, Christopher Goodchild has produced this beautiful and inspiring book full of profound life-giving wisdom. 


Finding God, finding me

Edel Reynolds, teacher, tells how she sees God working in her life.


From the known to the unknown

Edmond Grace SJ gives an answer to why is it that we make our prayers ‘through Jesus Christ’ and what does it mean to be ‘in Him’.


Among the outcast

John Lonergan, the Governor of Mountjoy Prison, Dublin, writes about his view of Christianity.


About arranging a baptism

How do I go about arranging a baptism?


Only as far as God

Fr Morgan Costelloe finds a source of hope as he reflects on bereavement and grief.


Singing God’s praises

Liam Lawton, a Carlow-based priest, talks to Sue Leonard about his extraordinary success as composer and performer of spiritual music.


Religion: the Irish experience

From the Veritas ‘Into the Classroom’ series: J.R. Walsh surveys the country’s religious experience down the ages and in recent times. This series, edited by Eoin G. Cassidy and Patrick M. Devitt, is designed for teachers of the new Leaving Cert religious education syllabus.


Getting a better read on your faith

The ancient practice of Lectio Divina gives you a leg up on prayer and spiritual development, writes Lawrence S. Cunningham.


McGahern: A sense of the spiritual

A strong appreciation of the spiritual runs through John McGahern’s That They May Face the Rising Sun, writes Eamon Maher.


Nazareth to Bethlehem

The journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem would probably go via Samaria and Jerusalem and take about four days on foot. It is quite likely that Joseph would have a donkey to carry pieces of wood and other tools of the carpenter’s trade, so surely as Mary was heavily pregnant with [...]


The fisherman’s net: the influence of the papacy on history

Fr Michael Collins examines the extraordinary history of the papacy and the great influence it has had on the development of civilisation.


Technology and transcendence

This book represents the work of fifteen scholars in four disciplines: philosophy, theology, sociology and cultural studies. It offers an interdisciplinary reflection on the role and impact of technology in society. It is edited by edited by Michael Breen, Eamonn Conway and Barry McMillan.


The mystical imagination of Patrick Kavanagh

Una Agnew SSL looks at how Kavanagh was able to uncover “the radiances of life”, though many of those who knew him as gruff and uncouth would have found that hard to believe.


O’Connell’s last bequest

Henry Peel OP describes the death and funeral of Daniel O’Connell. After an extraordinary life working for justice and freedom, O’Connell died on his way to Rome in May, 1847.


Our participation in God’s mission

Michael McCabe SMA views missionary work as an extension of contemplation and as participation in a dialogue already established between God and his people.


The Carmelite charism: exploring the biblical roots

James McCaffrey OCD has written this account of Carmelite spirituality for all those who want to deepen their relationship with God through a scripture-based understanding of prayer.


Wanted: a portable faith

Seán O’Conaill questions the merit of a ponderous faith, full of abstract truths and right answers, and he makes a plea instead “for something we can carry lightly as a source of happiness and wisdom for ourselves and others”.


Global aspirations and the reality of change

Edited by Harry Bohan and Gerard Kennedy, this book examines the issues which arise from the speed of change in our world and argues that this necessitates another kind of change, both at a global and at a local level.


The Lord’s Supper in the first Christian communities

Pierre Simson goes back to the scriptural accounts of the eucharist to see what exactly Christ meant by enjoining us to come together to celebrate his supper in memory of Him.


How Genesis portrays the human heart

Thomas Brodie OP takes a close look at the motifs of harmony and disharmony in the Book of Genesis and at the stories it tells of God’s response to his people.


Religion and gender

From the Veritas ‘Into the Classroom’ series: Sandra Cullen explores the role of gender in religious experience in general and in Christianity in particular. She also highlights women’s contribution to the development of religious traditions.


Examining the Leaving Certificate

In this article from 1997, Sr Teresa McCormack identifies defects in the Irish school-leaving public exams and argues that the system is in serious need of reform.


Filling the vacuum

The Ceifin Centre for Values-Led Change is about holding a mirror up to the reality of modern society in Ireland, reflecting and questioning the changing trends and scenes of Ireland. Harry Bohan edits this collection of essays looking at sport, globalisation, prophets and profits and the Good News in Ireland [...]


James Joyce and the Jesuits: a sort of homecoming

Jesuit priest Bruce Bradley looks at the complicated relationship between James Joyce and his educational mentors.


The other Benedicts

Paul Kildare lists previous Popes Benedict. One was a saint, another a scoundrel. One was murdered, another excommunicated. One was an antipope, another had a brother and a nephew popes.


The rites of Brigid, goddess and saint

February 1st, the feast of Imbolg in the old Celtic year, marked the beginning of spring. It was Christianised and adapted as the feast of St Brigid and many rituals still associated with the feast are best understood in the light of their pagan Celtic origins. After a Foreword on [...]


We preach Christ crucified – 2nd edition

Although we understand that the cross is central to Christianity, we tend to avoid the disturbing questions which this raises in practice. Kenneth Leech explores and exposes these questions and shows that they are what gives Christianity its real bite.


Moral theology: a reader

This is a selection of essays on some central moral concerns of modern life – how to approach moral judgements, what is the meaning of natural law and the role of faith in personal decision making.

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