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Moral theology: a reader

This is a selection of essays on some central moral concerns of modern life – how to approach moral judgements, what is the meaning of natural law and the role of faith in personal decision making.


Newman’s University Church: 150 years

Dr Eileen Kane was formerly a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History of Art in University College Dublin. She has published extensively on French, Italian and Irish art both in Ireland and abroad. Her most recent publication is The Church of San Silvestro in Capite in Rome, (Rome 2005), [...]


Christian identity in a post -modern age

Declan Marmion has gathered a host of international specialists to explore their respective legacies by examining not only Karl Rahner, and Bernard Lonergan’s contribution to anthropology, systematic, historical, moral and practical theology and spirituality, and thus bringing their insights into dialogue with many of the issues facing Christians today.


Learning from daydreams

Conversion refers to something more than a moral dimension. It also involves the heart and the emotions. Fr Brian O’Leary shows how St Ignatius used his day-dreams and his imagination as a means of finding out what God was drawing him towards and moving him away from.


Why was Jesus killed?

Right from Jesus’ first preaching he was in conflict with his fellow townspeople, with the Jewish leaders and was executed by Pilate as a political rebel. Each gospel shows different points of view about Jesus. James Mc Polin SJ explains.


Reflections for the Golden Years

Angela Macnamara offers a light-hearted and accessible look at the benefits – as well as the trials and tribulations – of growing older. She offers, in an easy style, helpful advice ranging from practical suggestions on how to remain active and positive, spiritual concerns such as trusting in God’s plan [...]


Liturgical Resources for Advent and Christmastide Years A, B and C

Fr Thomas O’Loughlin offers a treasure trove of extra resources, insights and practical suggestions for the liturgy of every Sunday and major feastday in the seasons of Advent and Christmastide for the three-year cycle. It is ideal for celebrants, coordinators of liturgy and interested layfolk.


Origins and development of Advent

This article treats of the history and spirituality of Advent as it developed in both the Western and Eastern traditions. The author, Vincent Ryan OSB, also assesses the contribution to Advent spirituality of popular piety in such customs as the Advent Wreath. Finally, he gives an appreciation of the riches [...]


When illness strikes

Jeanette Brimner explains how illnesses of her children and her husband affected how they coped with family and the changes they had to make.


The Sacrament of Confirmation

Here is an excellent summary of the theology, history and liturgy of the sacrament of confirmation by John-Paul Sheridan. It is Chapter 3 from the book entitled “Promises to Keep: Parents and Confirmation”. He is diocesan advisor for primary school catechetics in the diocese of Ferns.


Unlikely inspiration

Two unexpected visitors to Fr Brendan Comerford SJ are what he calls his “unlikely inspiration” for his article about Mary. Like them, she is our “unselfconscious exemplar”.


Interrupted plans

Justin Kilcullen, the director of Trocaire, finds time to write about a busy day in his life in February 2006.


Able lives

A few months before the Special Olympics was due to open, journalist Fiona Murdoch received a phone call asking her would she profile some of the participants and write a book about them to help the general public better understand how able disabled people are. This is the result.


The call

Conall Ó Cuinn SJ sees in the film “The Postman” a parable of vocation, a way God can call us to our destiny, just as he called St Ignatius to be the founder of the Jesuits, a band of men with a new way of serving God.


Pope presents the pallium to metropolitan archbishops

On Sunday next, 29th June, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, Pope Benedict will confer the pallium on a number of metropolitan archbishops appointed during the course of the last year at a concelebrated Mass in the Vatican Basilica. Patrick Duffy explains.


Amazing Grace

Conall Ó Cuinn SJ tells the story of John Newton, who was involved in the slave trade, but had an experience of the mercy of God. He became a preacher and composed the hymn “Amazing Grace”. Albert Finney plays the part in the recent film of the same name.


Why bother with theology?

Alex Wright, Director of SCM Press, calls for theologians and churches to dialogue seriously with contemporary culture in a world where religion and faith are becoming ever more marginal.


Pauline Jaricot

Pauline Jaricot founded the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Through this society lay people can contribute to the organisation of the missions. It was Pauline’s sense of self-sacrifice that was the stimulus to setting it up. John Murray PP tells the story.


Keep the faith

There are many ways grandparents can hand on their faith to their grandchildren without making a big deal about it. Jeanette Brimner reviews these and adds that interested contact and good example are hard to beat.


Pedro Arrupe SJ

Fr Brian Grogan SJ tells us about the life and times of Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ.


Liturgical resources for Lent and Eastertide

Thomas O’Loughlin provides a guide to any priest or liturgy preparation group wishing to make the Sunday liturgy a real encounter where the participants can experience God speaking to them.


The Irish School of Ecumenics (1970-2007)

In the emerging post-secular society the Irish School of Ecumenics has a bright future. This is founder Michael Hurley SJ’s assessment of the role of an institution he fouunded almost forty years ago and which is still very much at the heart of academic and cultural life in Ireland and [...]


The touch of God

Continuing in the footsteps of St Ignatius, Brian Grogan SJ recounts Ignatius’s vision of “Our Lady with the Holy Child Jesus” and what effect this had on his journey on for the greater glory of God.


The Table of the Lord

Winnie writes: “Dear Father, My adult son and daughter no longer attend the Sacraments. At a recent wedding they both received Holy Communion without prior Confession. I know the Church teaches that one should make a good confession before receiving Holy Communion but isn’t everybody welcome at the table of [...]


Adult initiation

Dermot Nestor guides us through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and what effect this process can have on an entire Christian community.


Today’s newlyweds

Fr Patrick Rogers CP is director of the popular, one-day “Together” marriage preparation courses  (www.together.ie) held about 15 times per year. He says the Church needs to take account of where young people see themselves. “It is not enough,” he says, “to appeal to the faith of our fathers [...]


Love life

This month the Pope asks us to pray “that in the face of a spreading culture of violence the Church may promote with courage the culture of life. Fr Kevin O’Higgins SJ explains.


Bernadette of Lourdes: her life, death and visions

In this scholarly biography, Thérèse Taylor places Bernadette in the context of her time. She explains who Bernadette was, and how she lived and died, but takes no position on whether or not her visions were genuine. It sympathetically examines how Bernadette coped with the fame her experience thrust upon [...]


Is faith delusion? Why religion is good for your health

“Admitting to belief in God and having Christian faith is currently regarded as a taint, revealing that one’s sanity is impaired”. This is the starting point of Andrew Sims’s exploration of the relation between religion and mental health and his critique of Richard Dawkins’s “The God Delusion”. He thoroughly justifies [...]


A painful gift: the journey of a soul with autism

Out of the fire of his own autistic torment, Christopher Goodchild has produced this beautiful and inspiring book full of profound life-giving wisdom. 

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